the sham

May 08, 2006 02:55

so i spent a few days in the sham aka. "habersham county" i hung out with a crap load of white people... it was fun to hear their crazy stories...they sound like something right out of a movie. They take apart a truck and put back together in the school cafeteria... they try to cut down the schools trees as a prank. set off fire works in the middle of a football game...set off fireworks at the senior class camping. get crazy ass drunk at 12:01 (sarcasm) - but i enjoyed them...they fuck around but theyre respectful... and theyre funny as hell. I stopped at the antebellum a civil war mansion...antique shops... an old mill turned into an antique shop/bowling alley...and of course wal-mart. im in SC now at Andrews house... tomm i head back to the sham. I got to see people i havent seen since i was 16. that was pretty cool. I should be goin back to habersham memorial day weekend with a friend - ashley- if we get off from work...which i dont see why we shouldnt. We're goin up there for a crazy country cabin party. So yea im havin a great hoping i make it home safe1 gnight.
p.s if youre a night owl - living in a small town is a bad idea... everything but like wal-mart, taco-bell/mcdonalds...and a few gas stations is closed by 7pm. its crazy.
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