Title: The Plan
Pairing: Xavi/Sergio Ramos
Rating: R
Warnings: no
Word Count: 1,316
Disclaimer: Not true. Not a word of truth here. I know it, and you should know it too.
Summary: Xavi’s bad mood affects the national team, so Sergio devises a Plan. Of course it backfires.
Notes: Originally written for the prompt "Xavi being annoying and someone having enough” during commentporn weekend, but not quite on prompt.
It’s not that he didn’t like him, he really, really did. Some would say, liked him a bit too much. But Sergio couldn’t help it. He liked him.
But Xavi could be such an annoying bastard sometimes!
Really, when he was in a bad mood, it was almost certain he’d do his worst to make sure everyone in his vicinity would be in a similarly crappy mood.
And as much as he liked him - and he did, with all his heart - he’d just had enough.
In a perfectly crazy, Sergio fashion, he therefore devised a Plan.
It was a good Plan. It was a Plan that was, as far as Sergio could see, perfectly foolproof. Success guaranteed.
He knew, because he’d tried it before.
It always worked.
The Plan was simple, and thus ingenious. The Plan simply indicated that Sergio must seduce Xavi, have wonderful sex with him - thus, obviously, ridding him of his foul mood - and perhaps a cuddle or two, and that’s it.
Perfect, simple, foolproof. Guaranteed to return Xavi’s - and thus the whole team’s - good spirits and help them win.
That was the Plan, and to Sergio’s relief, it wasn’t quite as difficult to execute as he’d feared at first. Even in his crappy, dark mood, Xavi seemed rather amenable to his company - Sergio didn’t kid himself, it was probably mostly because he had little other willing company left - but still. He was amenable to Sergio’s company. And Sergio…well, he found it quite easy to bring himself to seduce Xavi. Quite easy indeed.
Why, from the moment he’d placed his hand on Xavi’s thigh, feeling entirely too awkward and self aware, it all felt very, very natural. Perfectly natural.
As if it was meant to be.
And Xavi didn’t scowl or kick him out of his room. That was also encouraging, and very good for the Plan. True, he did look at Sergio with some suspicion, and didn’t really fall at his feet in any way or form, but it was Progress.
Sergio liked Progress. He also liked the feeling of Xavi’s thigh beneath his hand, warm and supple.
Not that he’d dedicated much thought to it. After all, it wasn’t about him. It was about the Plan, and the good of the whole team.
So, having made such encouraging Progress, Sergio felt compelled to proceed as soon as possible. Strike the iron while it’s hot, and all that.
He proceeded, much to his surprise, not quite as he planned - he rather planned for a direct, perfectly foolproof approach, one that possibly involved him dropping to his knees and sucking Xavi off or placing his hand on Xavi’s dick, grinning suggestively and letting things play out from there.
He somehow proceeded a bit differently, but he was willing to overlook the fact that holding Xavi’s hand and gazing sappily into his eyes was not a part of the Original Plan, but oh well - they did kiss right after that, so Sergio guessed it could be considered a very successful improvisation.
Kissing, after all, especially that kind of kissing, did lead to sex. Even to wonderful sex, in this specific case, sex that left them both breathless, gasping and utterly satisfied. And that, after all, was the goal of the Plan; thus, it perhaps didn’t really matter if the goal wasn’t achieved quite like Sergio had envisioned it.
It was, after all, for the good of the team. He should be proud of himself for pulling the Plan off, not sulking over his inability to proceed quite as planned.
His Plan, he reminded himself, watching Xavi from afar, was designed to achieve a specific goal. The Plan was foolproof. The plan worked. From his place on the bench, Sergio could see that Xavi was in a perfectly great mood, smiling and laughing and hitting the ball to perfection.
The plan was foolproof, and it had worked.
Only real problem was that somehow, Sergio was in a pretty foul mood himself at the moment.
He supposed that boosting the team’s morale was worth losing his own.
Only it didn’t quite work this way.
Perhaps he needed to devise an ingenious Plan to help himself. Too bad he was just fresh out of ingenious ideas and Plans.
He grumbled and followed his - annoyingly happy - teammates to lunch, where he proceeded to alienate everyone until he was mercifully left alone.
Sergio looked up to see Xavi smiling happily at him.
Perhaps he’d miscalculated and made Xavi a bit too happy. Obviously in his happy state Xavi was simply unable to understand simple social cues.
Like Sergio, grumbling. Everyone else seemed to have gotten the message just right, but Xavi looked at him like he didn’t get it at all.
Not really. Not even a little! He stared at Xavi as he sat down next to him, still smiling, completely unaffected by Sergio’s most antisocial stare.
Not that he was going to be impolite and actually tell him to go away. No, he wasn’t raised that way, but he would sulk and play with his food and pay no attention to Xavi until he went away.
“I missed you this morning,” Xavi said softly.
“Hmm,” Sergio replied. He was very focused on ignoring Xavi. It was quite exhausting.
“I would have liked it better if you didn’t leave while I was still asleep,” Xavi said. Sergio realised that Xavi’s hand was on his thigh, and that made him feel…well, like he couldn’t ignore him quite as easily as he wanted.
He considered shaking Xavi’s hand off, but somehow, he couldn’t quite bring himself to do that.
“Hmm,” he muttered again.
Xavi removed his hand then, and Sergio’s foul mood became even fouler.
“I’ll stop bothering you now,” Xavi said curtly, getting up.
Perhaps the Plan wasn’t quite as foolproof as he’d thought.
He certainly hadn’t envisioned its dire side effects.
He was only doing it for the team! He wasn’t supposed to feel things like this for Xavi! Why, this was…
Utterly right.
He really needed a new Plan, but his head was still too busy processing the available data to come up with anything perfect and foolproof.
The evidence indicated that he wanted more from Xavi. That, alone, was enough to make his head spin.
Further, Xavi’s excessive happiness over getting laid possibly indicated that Xavi’s reaction, could, possibly, maybe even probably, have something to do not just with sex but with the person he’d had said sex with. I.e., it could have had something to do with Sergio.
If Sergio’s head wasn’t spinning already, it would certainly spin at that thought.
Finally, Xavi seemed to have indicated that he was not averse to waking up next to Sergio. That piece of information was simply to overwhelming for Sergio to process at the moment, so he set is aside, trying to formulate a Plan.
When that didn’t work, he settled for running very very fast and knocking very very loudly and persistently on the door of Xavi’s room.
Which basically meant that when Xavi opened the door and Sergio was face to face with Xavi - who seemed to have contracted a bad case of foul mood again - Sergio had absolutely no idea what to say.
That was quite unfortunate, as he felt, with increasing urgency, the need to say something very right.
“I’m sorry,” he said.
Xavi stared at him. Sergio had to admit that Xavi’s staring was much more effective than his own.
“Can I come in?”
Xavi shrugged and didn’t move.
“Can I come in and stay the night?”
Xavi still didn’t move.
“And I won’t leave before you wake up?”
Xavi moved just enough to let him in.
Now, Sergio really only needed a very perfect, foolproof Plan make sure that they win this cup. Otherwise, it seemed that his life was going in the exactly correct direction without any further Plans.