Title: Empty Spaces
sheenianniCharacters/Pairings: Diana/Christie
Word Count: 300
Rating: PG-13
Spoilers: Season 4
Summary: The aftermath of a break-up.
A/N: Was supposed to be Comfort!fic. Obviously didn’t work out.
Even when they were almost over, those fifteen minutes before Christie woke up was a time that Diana deeply cherished.
Sometimes there were cases that kept her at work until midnight, and Christie occasionally had night shifts. But even when one of them crept home long after the other was asleep, they almost always spent the night next to each other. And then when the morning came…
Diana would watch her sleeping girlfriend; beautiful, amazing, precious. They weren’t arguing then, and it was easy to forget everything between them that was broken and hurting. She would touch Christie’s hair spread over the pillow, trace her shape over the bed sheet, squeeze her right hand with the small scar on her index finger. She’d imagine making love together, gentle and soft, and then fucking Christie so hard that the windows shook. She’d think of waking next to her like this next year, then the year after that, and for the next five years, ten years…
And then she saw the same image but with rings on their hands and she hit a wall. She wasn’t ready for this. She didn’t know when she would be.
She wakes up and the spot next to her is empty. Instinctively, Diana pats it before the truth hits her. And even though it’s been three weeks, she still checks her phone, expecting, hoping to find a message -
There’s nothing there. Christie’s gone.
Diana pushes her covers away, gets dressed and eats some quick breakfast. Entering the bathroom, she’s thrown for a moment by the vacant spot where Christie’s toothbrush used to be. After wiping away a couple tears, she takes a deep breath, steadies herself and then grabs her gun on her way out.
With relief, she closes the door of her empty apartment. Time for work.