Fandom Stocking Art - a Round-up

Feb 06, 2016 17:47

I was going to do this earlier, but oh well… Here is the art I made for this year’s Fandom Stocking. Less White Collar based this year…

1) Two POI wallpapers with Joselyn Carter for aragarna:

2) A “Stranded Neal” art for cookielaura (this also fills the “Trapped!” square on my Gen Bingo card:

3) Some cheetahs for leesa-perrie:

4) A Firefly- Zoe wallpaper for lionessvalenti:

5) Some puppies for pipilj:

6) “Magical Moments” - a Neal/Sara art for sapphire2309:

7) A Neal PF card for sherylyn:

8) “Peter’s Worst Christmas” - an art piece for sholio - yeah, guess when this is happening :( :

9) A winged!Neal for theatregirl7299:

10) A “Shoot”, POI wallpaper for veleda_k:

person of interest, art post, character: peter burke, white collar, character: joss carter, firefly, character: neal caffrey, pairing: neal/sara, pairing: shaw/root

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