Title: Sisterly Reunion
Medium: Fanart
Fandom: White Collar & Castle
Characters/Pairing: Sara Ellis, Kelly Nieman (Emily Ellis?)
Content Notice: Dead body
Rating: PG-13 (bordering on R)
Summary: In a shocking turn of events, Sara is unexpectedly reunited with her sister. Now going by the name Kelly Nieman, Emily is a brilliant, confident cosmetic surgeon, and both sisters are eager to rediscover the bond from their childhood. But the closer they grow, the more Sara notices the odd little discrepancies about Kelly, and soon she realizes that there are things that don’t add up...
A/N: This fills the prompt “Serial Killers” on my
H/C Bingo card.
For those who don’t watch “Castle” (spoilers-beware), Dr. Kelly Nieman is a perfectionist and an appearance-obsessed serial killer; highly intelligent, elegant, cold and always planning many steps ahead. She first appears as a “disciple” of another serial killer, 3XK, who targets young, blond, attractive women. At some point, Nieman starts assisting 3XK with his murders and even begins “breeding” women for him, surgically altering them so they would be more appealing to 3XK’s taste for the victims. Long story short, she is a psychopath and as creepy as they come.