Title: Can’t Be Both (Chapter 6)
Author’s Name:
sheenianniSpoilers: Season 3.10 - Countdown
Characters/Pairings: Neal Caffrey, Peter Burke, Clinton Jones, Diana Barrigan, Elizabeth Burke, Sara Ellis, Agent Kramer, June and others
Raiting: PG
Warnings/Triggers: None
Word Count: ~ 3,000 (chapter), ~31,000 (total)
Summary: In the aftermath of Elizabeth’s kidnapping,
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I wouldn’t like a story where Neal wasn’t “Neal”. But he has grown a lot during this fic and even through Season 3. So, if you think the Neal in this story is still in character, then yes, Neal will still be Neal.
Of course he will be forced to adapt - but really, Neal’s ability to adapt is one of his biggest strengths. I’d bet you that even if he didn’t met June that first day in Pilot, he would have somehow managed to find a reasonably nice flat for the $700 - or he would have persuaded the hotel’s owners to renovate it. I don’t pretend to know how, but - he’s Neal. And he would still have his hat and his classical smile.
(Though I’m not saying Neal’s deal isn’t extremely restrictive, because it is. But if Neal has managed to retain his identity in prison, then he can do it even in these conditions.)
I really wish Season 3 hadn't gone the route that it did, it is very hard to see how Neal won't end up in prison and even saving El wouldn't be enough to salvage his friendship.
May be a more realistic view in how a CI relationship would work and it would be interesting in seeing Neal work with/around someone harder then Peter.
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