Darkside Chronicles : The Great Adventure!

Nov 21, 2009 15:28

Yes! I finally got the game last Thursday! I wanted to make a special entry retelling my wonderful day! So, here we go!

8:30 am : I am impatiently attending my boring morning class, constantly thinking about DarkSide Chronicles and wondering if my store got it. I really need a coffee.

It wasn't a good idea since I was already REALLY hyped in anticipation, so I was even more hyped with the coffee! I was shaking and I couldn't even sit calmly on my chair! I couldn't wait till the end of the class! I then started to make doodles in my notebook to calm me a bit.....

You can see my state of mind at that moment XD

Since I had seen the 2 first Code Veronica cutscenes before playing the game, I couldn't help to not doodle something that made me laugh in the computer scene XD

Maybe it's just me, but Claire is already a tease to Steve from the very beginning! She's showing her ass but she even WIGGLES it when she says "Just tell me....<3" I found that so funny XD

So, that's what I doodled if you don't understand XD

11:23 am : Class is over!! Yay! I can finally call at my store! Taking my cellphone, I call and I am greeted by my wonderful boss. I think he knew why I was calling XD He then tells me that he sold my copy.... >__>;.....but since I know he's a jerk, I knew he was lying and when he finally told me he got it, I'm sure I had that sort of face:

Yeah XD

BUT ! I had to stay for my second class ;___;

So I spent the lunchtime on a real state of fangirl in heat. I could barely eat! And I had to go online or something to extract a bit of my excitement!

1:00 pm : My second class. Still VERY excited. I had to leave around 3:30 pm if I wanted to have enough time to get to my store before my boss would leave. He's the only one who can sell it to me.

My teacher gives me back a homework and an exam. I have HORRIBLE marks on both. I am very pissed off, but my excitement for DSC couldn't bring me down!

3:25 pm : We finish the class early! HOORAAAYY!! I quickly take my stuff and I almost run out of the University!

3:35 pm : I get to the subway. That thing is taking FOREVER! But I'll make it in time!

4:20 pm : I finally arrive at the mall where my EBGames store is!

What a lovely sight!

I enter the place, almost dancing and I spot my boss. I then grin at him and I ask him about the T-Shirt. I get 2 since we only had 2 pre-orders and we had like 10 t-shirts! YAY!!

I also take the opportunity to buy some games that I had put aside for me: RECVX 5th anniversary edition on PS2 (with the Devil May Cry demo) and a perfectly mint RE3 on PS1 ! Both are 5 bucks, no big deal! <3

Finally at the cash, my boss seems so PLEASED to sell the game to me! :

Look at that!!! This is SO fake though XD My boss usually scares people. But he's also scary like that....

5:15 pm : I finally get back home after holding the game like a baby in the subway. I keep the game sealed till I get to my friend's place.

5: 20 pm : I take a cold shower. I'm TOO excited, it's scary XD

5:25 pm : I finally put on my Claire cosplay 8D Oh man, I can't wait to play! I spend some time on the computer.

6:15 pm : It's time for me to go! I go to the grocery store to buy a pizza and other stuff for dinner.

6:30 pm: I am at my friend's apartment building. I call her from downstairs, making some nice Alfred imitation. She laughs and comes down to open the door.

6:35 pm : We start to prepare the food when I realize I forgot some stuff. Gotta go back to my place. (backtracking a la RE XD )

6:50 pm: We finally get to eat! Like old times, we eat pizza 8D

7:15 pm : After we're done, I ask my friend to take some photos to celebrate the whole thing:

*INSERT ZELDA THEME : TAA DAAA DAAAA DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH !!!* Yooohooo! I finally have the game after 8 months of waiting !

Claire is SO FUCKING happy to have the game and can't wait to play it !!

We also take pictures of us with the zombie T-Shirt given from GameStop! :

The camera is a bit off, but it's so goddamn funny nonetheless! XD!

My friend, Nury, makes a really nice zombie! XD

OH NOES! Claire turned into a zombie!

And finally, since playing would be nostalgic, I ask my friend to do a remake of a photo of us, that we took like 9 years ago XD :

OMG!! XD This is us when we were like 15 ! XD

And here's the remake version :P :

Okay, we still look like TOTAL RETARDS XD

So yeah, fun time XD But the real fun was to begin!!

So, from around 8:00 pm to 12:30 am we played DSC! IT WAS A BLAST!

We really had fun and laughed at a lot of things XD (like Alfred and shooting "Trenchy" with the bowgun XD)

But, since we played on my friend's Wii, we couldn't transfer the game file. So, the day after, I had to redo the whole game alone! XD;

Playing alone is fun, but with someone else, it's also very nice! (even though I wanted to smack my friend after she said some bad comments about Steve D:< NO ONE INSULT MAH STEVE!!)

So yeah, that was it. I'll have to finish the game with my friend since we got halfway in the CV scenario. But on my side, I finished it ;)

I am currently playing at Hard to get extra stuff 8D

Oh and....I have to finish with Steve's best line:

"Claire, you like to swing?"


XD So priceless! I LOVE YOU STEVE! <3
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