Starting a new chapter in my life

Aug 23, 2006 00:38

so today i moved out my bed, and started moving out more of my belongings and i came home to my dad crying. he wouldnt tell my mom what was wrong but I knew. I went upstairs, and sat on his leg and hugged him and gave him a kiss and talked to him for a few minutes. tears were just streaming down his face... i knew. i hate how my dad feels like he cant talk to me or tell me how he feels or open up to me. it hurts to not know how he feels or assume how he feels. and me being his "baby" and im the last one to leave the nest, hurts him. But im hoping this will be good for all of us. im hoping things between him and my mother will be reconstructed for a brighter future and that our "relationship" if you can call it that, will be restored or torn down and rebuilt from scratch. I dont expect my dad to change but so far hes been nice to me when I saw him both times today. He actually talked to me like... well... like you would talk to anyone. i gave him a hug and kiss before he left for work (when i got home from work), and things seemed a bit different between us. im only across the street, and its not like i wont call or come visit. but i have hopes for the future and i hope that things improve.

tonight, im home to get a fewwwwww things, and eat then im going back to my appt and im going to bed, and i have the next 2 days off. thurs i have to test out of a comp class for college, and the next 2 days i have to move my stuff out of the house, and fix up my appt. and start cleaning it and putting the food away and such. also setting up my bathroom and getting everything situated so i can shower and all that jazz lol.

i have a laptop now because my sister (idk if tim helped or not but if he did then THANKS to you too) bought me a laptop and surprised me with it. it is BY FAR the most snazziest thing ive ever seen and im reallllllllly greatful they did that for me. Idk if it has internet or not but i can play around with it and check out my new laptop. i have my cell phone so if you guys wanna give me a call and keep me company or just talk for a lil bit you are always welcome to. it would deffinately make me feel really happy to hear from you guys. even if i cant talk for too long, just even a few minutes would be great and much appreciated. :) hehe but if not, thats understandable lol.

im going to be donating more of my "possessions" to the salvation army again. together my sister and i donated about 6+ bags of clothes and then we donated books, toys, and it made me feel really good. im not doing it to be "rewarded", but im doing to help others, to not be wasteful, and to give back to those who provided my family with things we needed for 11 years. I know that the salvation army is not a pity thing or "low class" thing or meant to make anyone feel bad about going there (whether out of obligation, choice or in general), but I know whats its like to have so little and to have so much. So I'm just giving back. :)

I'm excited to start college, i know its gonna be different and its gonna be fun. Im UBER pumped that I have friday psych with my BFFL EMILY!!! how amazing is that. I have my college ID now and everything. I am enjoying this part of growing up, although its taking quite a hit on my checking account... GRAH! lol. but its worth it! I am willing to work for what i want/need and I wont stop to achieve my goals! :D

I went to the chiropractor today and it was much needed. Dr. Ron said I was in great health! :D my calcium, my iron, everything. He said I had no vitamin or mineral deficiencies or anything and I am happy to hear that (and surprisingly not shocked at this lol).

I had a great start to work then had a few customers who really just razzed me. then i felt bleh for a bit, my mngr asked if i was feeling alright and i said yeah... just had a few really mean customers. but im fine. and i got over it, but it bothers me sometimes how rude ppl can be, its astounding. but i didnt take it personally coz i was DOING MY JOB! and i saw 2 old friends of the family and MY BEST FRIEND ADAMMM! (and i saw ALEX a few days ago and that made me wickeddd happy!) and wow it just made my day so much!

now im home for a lil bit to get a few things and make a few cds. i made myself a sandwich and a nice hot cup of tea and all is well. I got my dad off to work and in a lil while, i'll be heading on back to my appt and going to bed. :) hehe

not everyone agrees with me moving in with my sister, but her and i have a bond like no other. and her and i get along great. But im happy that her and I both are standing on our own two feet now and were taking care of things that needed to be taken care of. Were doing our own thing now and doing what weve got to do, regardless of whether others approve of it or not, and if we fall on our faces, atleast we tried and did our own thing and took a step on our own two feet. sometimes youve got to do things on your own, even if others have "been there done that" or whatever the case may be. sometimes youve just got to find out for yourself even if you could just take the other person's word for it. This is our chance for change, and for a lot of things. and im excited that we can take care of eachother. I'm glad i'll get to see her more often and to have a bit of freedom. I hope to soon get my license and be able to drive.

I find out tomorrow if i can get saturday off and if so im going to spend the day in BOSTON (which ive only been to the airport lol and the bmfa) with my BEST FRIEND EVER TAMIKA and shes gonna make me breakfast, and play me her song! and were gonna go to a park, out to eat, the boston museum of fine arts (which i fell in LOVE with!), and were gonna go to a jazz festival concert thing and its gonna be amazing. i cant wait. im really excited.

im excited for the pow wow coming up sept 9 & 10th. im going on saturday i believe. i can go part of sunday but i cant take the weekend off last minute and so i will just go and leave early (as sad and difficult as that will be for me to do).

There has been a lot of change that has happened over the course of this past year and continuing to this day... and im hoping some real accomplishments will be made. I have continued to grow with each day and experience and still continue to do so now. im very proud of the things i have accomplished and am very ambitious on the things i will do in the future. I have goals for myself and wont stop until I achieve them. I am becoming who I am and I know exactly who I am as of right now. I know where I wanna go and what I wanna do. I know where I came from and I am always grounded and humble throughout it all. I know I will face many challenges in the upcoming future, in work, in college, in fam situations, in life... but i know i will learn and get through it all with my head held up high, and if my head begins to bow, then I know I have my friends and family to always be there for me, and me for them in return. I miss alot of my friends and apologize for not having a crapload of time over the summer to hang out. Most of you understand, and i thank you for it.

So... I guess i'll end this here so I can finish what I need to and then go home to my appt. if im not online and you need to get ahold of me, then you can just call anytime, thats perfectly fine by me. :)

Well, I hope everyone is doing ok and god bless you if you made it through all my ramblings in this blog but i want you to know if you truly read the whole thing, i really appreciate that you took the time to read this all, because this is one of the most important blogs i have posted. I know its long and I ALWAYS write a lot, but 1) i write for me and 2) im glad that you read it and took the time (even tho it may have been tedious to read and/or boring lol) to do so. so I sincerely THANK YOU.

Have a great night everyone and God willing we all see another beautiful day, Have an outstanding tomorrow. :)

With lots of love,

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