you know you wanna buy my coffee cakes!

Nov 08, 2005 18:45

so friday was beginning to look up, had a fairly good day. then i came home from school, and ate, and got ready for the game. i was a few minutes late leaving the house and my dad decided to be a ....... yeah, and pretty much said i suck at life, im a horrible person, and especially that i suck as a co-captain and dont deserve to keep my title for being a few minutes late. this is the first time ive ever been late, and it was bc i had so many layers on i had trouble getting my fricken shoes on. so 2 minutes i guess caused him to go balistic on me in the car, then he yelled at the top of his lungs at me and said that TC should kick me off the team and strip me of my title of being co-captain because i dont deserve it and he hoped that i missed the bus (bc it was an away game) and so that i would have to walk home and then he sincerely hoped that i got in sooo much trouble for being late. i was like OMG I FRICKEN HATE YOU- SERIOUSLY SCREW YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! but i couldnt say that, then when i got out of the car, liz and someone else came up to me and liz hugged me and was like "youre late" and then she said something else and i burst into tears as i tried opening the door, and i told her to stop, bc i was about to start crying, and she said "sheena im sorry i was only kidding" and i said "no hunny its not you, its my dad that made me upset, im sorry" and then as im walking down the hallway trying to wipe my tears away mrs brown saw me and asked me what the matter was and i just broke down crying so bad and she gave me the biggest hug and talked to me and then Mrs. Yates came and talked to me and made me feel better too and then Elise saw me crying and was like "sheena babe whats wrong!? we love you!" and it made me feel better. then i went to see tamika coz i needed a hug, then i walked into the band closet with her and then sarayu came in and i had another breakdown, and then i finally was able to be ok, the girls were so supportive to me and told me how much they loved me and how they didnt want me to be sad, and they tried to make me smile and everyone kept asking me if i was alright and if i was doing better and in knowing they all care about me like that made me feel better. i had a better night afterwards. i had some flaws, but Mrs. Cote helped me out. lol.

then went home, and went to bed. Saturday i went to my first ever concert! it was Hanson- Live And Electric. it was at the casino ballroom at hampton beach. it was the best experience of my life. sooo many good times. i went with shera and tony. we went to this restaurant, had a good time, the food was soooooooooo good, then we went to the beach, and looked for shells, i took some amazing pics!!! then the concert, had a fricken blast. 2 of the band members walked 5 ft away from me and one of them looked at me, and i waved, but since someone was trying to talk to him, he didnt wave back, but it was flippen amazing. my sis bought a sweatshirt and a shirt, and i got a free cd, and a free poster. those guys are sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo handsome. OH MAN! lol then we went to mcdonalds on the way home, then they didnt have what tony wanted, so he said "no its ok, im going to wendys" and drove off, it was the funniest thing, then we went to wendys and that was suuuuuuuuuch a funny experience. but irritating too. oh well. good story- if you wanna know, ask. then i got home around 145am. then ate, cleared off my bed and went to be around 3am. insane. woke up the next day, and had an okay day. spent some time with my sister and tim so that was good.

then monday, i had m hair straightened, and i dressed up for school. i wore my black boots (my new ones), sheras concert band pants, lol, and a nice white tanktop with a nice white top over it, and had my hair down. i looked nice, and mika told me i looked lovely, and i got some good comments from people, so that made me happy, lol. everyone asked me why i was dressed up, i bet youre thinking the same thing too. well today (tuesday) is my uncle Bryan's birthday. he WOULD have been 46 years old. So I dressed up on monday (in black and white because those were "his" colors lol) because there was no school on tuesday. I was planning on dressing up for school for him but since there was no school, i did it on monday. I miss him a lot...


then monday night i went to the college fair thing at the north school, it was awesome. well mostly. i saw Emily, Marie (and omg she looks sooooooooooooooo fabulous with her new haircut!!!!!!!!!) and i saw Ashleigh who i havent seen in forever, the second i walked in there, she screamed my name in a high pitched voice, lol it was so funny. it was so good to see her. got some good info, some of the colleges i wanted there, werent, and that ticked me off a tad but oh well, i saw some good ones despite. I met these 2 amazing people from an art college, this one guy named Fish McGill (lol) was the coolest guy ever, and the lady there with him was cool too. i walked around and then went back to the guys table to talk to him again, he gave me some good info, and im really interested in that college. im glad he was the admitions guy bc he was awesome and we both got along well, and i know hes going to remember me, he gave me his card so i can email him and stuff and hes like "i respond too, so go for it" and we had some good laughs. i really like the college, im glad i met some college addmisions people who actually had a personality, and not just "hi, come to my college, any questions, ok bye". i said that to the guy too and he laughed. and they were both crazy, but oh so cool. they really seemed to like me and i really enjoyed talking to them. im excited. the college is in boston though, i hope to go check it out sometime. i told Fish i was going to go to college to become a chiropractor first though, and we talked about that for awhile because chiropractic saved his life, and so he was interested in knowing why i wanted to be a chiro. but then i had to go, coz the thing was over, so i said see ya later, and went on my way. i saw abby there too, we hung out, but we lost eachother sometimes. i do adore that girl. <3 then i waited for my sister and tim to come pick me up, then went home.

and now im here. not much to say. im gonna work on making a cd for mika, do some hw, shower, restraighten my hair, then eating, then going to bed. idk. lol.

aiight, that concludes my broadcast day. <3 Sheena
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