(no subject)

Sep 11, 2005 00:05


going to a pow wow tomorrow (technically today) and its my grandmothers bday. I MISS HER SO GOD DANG MUCH.

Ninth Annual
Gathering of Native Americans
Powwow & Celebration
September 10-11, 2005

What is a Pow Wow:
Originally the Pow Wow was held in the spring to celebrate the new beginning of life. It was a time for people to get together, sing, dance, renew old friendships and make new ones. The Pow Wow had a religious significance and were an opportunity for families to hold naming and honoring ceremonies.

Today Pow Wows, or celebrations, are very much a part of the lives of many American Indians. Pow Wows are a mixture of celebration, social gatherings and friendly dance competitions, shared by the " Generations" of people. But, as the sacred thread that runs through all life, there are sacred traditions to be found in this coming together of people.

There is a circle in most dances, representing the circle of unity, the circle of life. Dancers often follow the clockwise pattern of the sun." Drum & Song" are the heartbeat and the inspiration of Pow Wows. Some of the dress and ornaments, called regalia, signify special events or honors in a person's life, special religious traditions or perhaps legends.

The Pow Wow brings the circle of people closer to their family, friends and their american culture.

Everyone is welcome at a Pow Wow regardless of the tribe.

Traditional Arts and Crafts
Drum and Flute Demonstrations
Vendors by Invite only
Sept. 10 - 11, 2005
Grounds open 10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Grand Entry at Noon
Master of Ceremonies: Ron Perry
Host Drum: Sun Hawk Singers
For more information call 1-800-832-2308
1316 Brookline Rd. Mason, NH (just off rt. 13)


i'm going to dance in the circle tomorrow, for my uncle, for my grandparents, for my father, for my mother, for my sisters, for my friends, for someone else, and most of all for myself.

tomorrow is going to be another Pow Wow I'll never forget, this one is most of all the most special and emotional one i'll ever experience.

I cant wait.


Goodnight everyone. God Bless.

EDIT:(this is a convo between Banner and I just a few mins ago)

Me: got to leave tomorrow morning for the pow wow
Me: yayyy
Me: you should deff come next yr
Me: since i bet you wouldnt be able to go tomorrow
Me: elise and jenilee are going next yr
Me: nikki thought about it but i dont think shes going
Me: its deff an experience you wont ever forget
Me: i'll just leave it at that
Aleks: have fun at it
Me: it'll be hard not to
Me: i would really like a lot of my friends to come
Me: it would mean the world to me
Me: bc its a lot of who i am, and it explains a lot of who i am
Me: a lot more of personality, who i am, my passion, emotions, everything just comes out more
Aleks: i cant tomorrow
Me: and its something so sacred to me, and i dance in the circle with them, its so beautiful
Me: i bet a lot of ppl cant
Me: which is why i suggested earlier that you go next yr
Me: if youre still around by then
Me: i feel so free when im there, my spirit, my heart, my everything
Me: its going to be tough for me tomorrow
Me: its also my grandmothers bday
Aleks: yeah
Me: its a "honor the spirit" pow wow
Me: and i danced in the circle to honor the spirits last yr for the first time ever...
Me: and this yr i cant wait to
Me: its an experience like no other
Me: just being there in general is
Me: for me anyways
Me: and you can walk around in your bare feet, you meet so many interesting ppl, you can buy craftwork, get native images painted on your face, dance in the circle (after getting smudged of course), and listen and dance to native american music for hours

****** for those of you (besides jenn) who I know cant go tomorrow and wanted to go, I apologize, but I did post the schedule for this pow wow on my LJ and xanga over a month or so ago, and several times infact. So yeah. And its not like I didn’t talk about it here and there, but im not saying its your fault or whatever but im just clarifying that if you didn’t know about it, its not my fault you cant go bc you claim you didn’t know about it. but whatever. Next yr will come soon enough. They do this pow wow all over the world, so if you don’t live in NH then you will get another chance.
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