Apr 03, 2007 09:18
I figured this was something worth updating...
first something-
As of Thursday, March 29th, around 3:30pm, I have no car. I was on my way to work, and my poor old girl was totalled. I don't want to get into the graphics, but I get word from the insurance company around noon today what the hap is. So we'll see...
Second something-
Sunday, April 1st, Mike picked me up from my house, and we began our adventure to the Social in Orlando, where Ted Leo and the Pharmacists were performing at 9, doors open at 8. We were in line for 4 or 5 hours before the doors open, and were just chit chatting, then a white van pulls up, I keep chit chatting until I see Ted Leo step out...I pause and say "Hey Ted!" and he came over to me. I met Ted Leo. We talked. It was wonderful. He knows I'm alive, now. He autographed a painting I composed just in case something like that happened, that I Had stuck in my purse, In fact the entire band autographed it. Then, I told Ted that I sent him an email a while back, and I wasnt sure if he got it or not, but it asked if he would play the song "the high party" for me, at that show, because it was my favorite song, and the first song I'd ever heard by him. He said he thought he could do that. Durring the show, right before he played that song, HE DEDICATED IT TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Life's wonderful.
oh he also said something extremely profound without realizing it. And the next day I realized, there's a different version of what he said in one of his songs.
What he said at the show:
"shit breaks but you can't break with it"
and in the song:
"Machines break down but you can't break with 'em"
That kind of talks to my heart. I've been mopey and depressed since thursday over my car, and that makes me realize, Ted is right. you really can't break down just because something else does.
Ted Leo is basically a music guru. A lyrical genius. The coolest guy I've EVER met.
Thank you, Ted.
Thank you, friends.