Aug 02, 2009 10:29
So right now we have like 10 minutes inbetween calls which is kinda boring.
Cant wait to get off though.... my sister is picking me up from work, and her and my niece are staying overnight. Shold be fun.... Hana is soooo cute!!
Ugh something disturbing happened yesterday on my way to work.
I ran into Ryan downtown. Dallas' dad.
Like, literally bumped into him, on my way to my bus.
He saw me and just pretty much weasled his way across the street. He seemed really out of it, just wandering around downtown. Probably looking for drugs.
I didnt say or do anything, I just kept walking to my bus.... I think thats why I was so upset about it. When I got to work I just kinda had this breakdown and had to take some time off the phones.
It's just that there is a lot unresolved between us. In my head I always think of what i would say to confront him if I ever bumped into him, knowing that eventually it was bound to happen. In my head I fight with him a lot actually. Things that I always wanted to say somehow and know that I never will be able to say. So I was so ticked off that I just walked away.....
but it was the right thing to do, I guess.
Because in my head when I confront him, he is still healthy and strong and a cocky asshole, enjoying his life just fine. ... that is not the person that I encountered on the street.
Instead he was stick thin, with big scabs on his face, looked 10 years older than he is, and looking like he hasnt changed his clothes in a month.
So even though I was super ticked off that i just walked away, I also thought to myself, what could I have possibly said to bring him down? He is already there.