
Sep 05, 2004 13:47

Ha, so i guess i can just like update about the whole week, cuz i havent done that in a while, or maybe ill just tell ya about the parts i remeber, cuz, well ive foregotten everything else...

Mk, well, on tuesday i had like the suckiest day ever and i went home and like cried cuz me and khush got like super mad at each other and we both wouldnt talk to each other and ugh, she mad me mad, but its all ok, cuz on wednesday we made up...which brings me to wednesday, nothing too exciting except for us making up, o and i had a ton of hw and church was cool as usual, we got into these little team things and im on the prayer team, but im not really sure wat we r supposed to do with them...um, i cant think of anythign that happened on thursday, but im sure sometrhing did. haaa...Friday we had a pepralley, it was fun, oh and khush gave me a new nickname, she gave one to amy and jenny too, peia is panera, amy is amatter and jenny is jennikle...i mena um, jennson, hahahaha, fun stuff (u had to be there) the game was exciting, everything ended up workin out somewat with the whole drumline situation, but russ still isnt back and doc hasnt been fired, its rumorerd he has been, but no one really knows, we didnt get to do the show cuz of the rain, so for the first half of the game,we hung out in the band room and the hall, o and amy hurt her ankle, so when we did get to go outside she couldnt do the dances...after the game i rode with mitchell and kk to the church to hang otu, there were only like 8 people there including us though, but it was still awesome,we played dodgeball and threw the football around, it was fun. Um, on sat i slept til 1...it was amazing, and then my parents decided to have a family vaca at home...it wasnt that bad though, actually i enjoyed it...i know im a dork, we went out to eat and went shopping and it was very relaxing, except i couldnt go to sleep that night cuz i had only been up for like 9 hours, so i read ella enchanted and then tired to fall asleep. ya and now its sunday and i went to church and abunch of people at church are going to the lake for today and tommorow, which makes me sad cuz now we wont be able toget together unless they all comeback in time tommorw, right k, iknow that yall proabably didnt care about any of that, but im bored...so, ya, ull have to deal with it, lol, <3Shelby
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