Mar 27, 2005 12:05
Yesterday my cousin and his family were coming to visit me from Toronto. They were going to spend a few hours with me, and then I was driving them to the airport. They are headed to a wedding in San Francisco. It's for my cousin-in-law's ONLY brother. Very important event.
Oh ya, they were supposed to fly from Buffalo instead of Toronto, because it's cheaper. International flights are always more expensive, even if it is just Canada.
Well anyway, onto the story. I cleaned my house, made muffins and waited for them to show up, but they never did. I called and it turns out they were denied entrance into the US when they arrived at the border!! I am super pissed at our shitty government!! They basically had to turn around and go home. They're flight is gone, they spent all day yesterday driving, and I can't imagine the stress they are under. Plus now there is a huge possibility they won't be able to go the wedding. I feel so bad for them, but this isn't the first time my family has been refused at the border.
About six months ago, my aunt was going to Rhode Island to meet family. She has been a Canadian citizen for 25 years, TWENTY-FIVE YEARS, and she was also denied entrance into the US. Bunch of fucking racists working the borders!!!
I hate that I live only two hours away from my family and yet they can't come to visit me freely. It's wholly dependent on the mood of the assholes at US customs...