Cambridge, MA and Fresh Ink

Sep 15, 2011 09:40

Fresh Ink is a special book club that Porter Square Books run in Cambridge, MA, where they invite young readers to read middle grade and young adult books (usually advanced reader copies or ARC) and then post reviews of them on their Fresh Ink Blog.

Here's what one Fresh Ink reviewer had to say about Vanished:

Vanished is the author's first book. I think she shows much promise in the mystery department. The interesting thing about this book is that Chari wrote it for her granddaughter's birthday. I liked it a lot. I would recommend it to fans of Shakespeare's Secret. The balance of emotions and action was perfect. It didn't feel all soppy romance or tragedy and not too much like Into the trap with no feelings whatever. I strongly recommend this mystery. Take it from me, and read this book if you like to solve mysteries or to read them. Simon, 10

I was so delighted by  this review. I'll admit it that before I read it, I was kind of nervous. I think I will always be before I read any review of my work. I'm glad Simon thinks I show promise in the mystery department, especially as this is the first mystery novel I've ever written. And I'm thrilled to be in the same company as Elise Broach's Shakespeare's Secret, which is a top-notch middle grade mystery. It made me believe Simon has read his share of mysteries to be in the know.

This Friday, I will get to help celebrate Fresh Ink's first year anniversary!


Where: Porter Square Books, Cambridge, MA
When: Friday, Sep 17, 7-8 pm
Who: Authors Karsten Knight, Mitali Perkins, and me, along with 3 Fresh Ink reviewers

We will talk about our experiences with reviews, good and bad. And of course there will be ARC giveaways and raffles. Sounds like it will be a lot of fun!

If you are in the Boston/Cambridge area, I hope you will stop by to say hi. And if you have young readers or reviewers in your life, please bring them along! And I hope Simon comes, too! :)
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