Feb 10, 2005 18:21
So im sitting at my computer and somehow i feel the need to write in livejournal. Its been a long time since i made my way to this page. A few things have happened since I returned to Raleigh, NC. Even though I am being more serious this semester about my work, I still put moments aside to have my fun.
Well, I have a boyfriend now. This coming sunday, we will have been dating for a month. I am somewhat surprised at myself, I said that I would not obtain a boyfriend my freshman year of college. Its been so long since I last had one that I sometimes have to be reminded about what to do and not to do while in a relationship. But at the moment, I am very happy with the situation that I am in. He treats me right and spoils me. Im lovin it. Wow, excuse that last comment, i just felt like i was in a Mcdonalds commercial. But anyways..its been real.