Jun 09, 2006 23:51
I always get ahead of myself and get in the mind set of wanting to grow up too fast, well I am doing it again.
My plan was to slow down, learn whats its like to be young, and for awhile I thought "i don't mind being in college for 5 years, no problem" but now I just can't wait for it to be over with and just get on with things. Maybe I just think this way because I am in love and I am out of school for the summer. Perhaps my mind will change once I get back into school.
I am trying to change my ways. I am drinking less pop and more water, and I have been playing tennis. I am pretty horrible at it, considering two days ago was my first time even swinging a tennis racket. I need to be more active though. My right arm muscles hurt though, but I will take that as a good sign... they are getting a work out. I am also trying to be better with money, which I haven't gotten real far with since I just took a trip to Indiana. I am working a zillion hours next week, I am going to be worn/stress out and won't get to see Marc for awhile. It effin sucks, considering he is all I ever look forward to and all I think about as I am at work dealing with shitty rude customers non-stop. I've never wanted to move to Murfreesboro so bad before in my life, I want him to only live 5 minutes away from me. I want to be on my own for more privacy, and to be able to do what I want without being judged. I will be so broke though... I don't make much and I get no help with anything. Sucks. I wish I was a spoiled brat who's parents paid for rent.
I don't know what else to talk about, I'm in a shitty mood.