while i wait for my little barn owls to dry..
LIFE SUCKS I HATE IT. don't want to be at home. don't want to go back to wburg. would rather just crawl in a hole and die die die diediediedie.
Living in the new dorm will be nice, i can escape through my window on jamestown rd and run down griffin street whenever i please. that would have been nice two years ago instead of having to walk from botetourt all the way to 412 for a speakeasy. TWO YEARS OHMYGOD.
and in other news i'm training my horse to follow me wherever i may go, which is hella awesome. today i taught him to put his head all the way to the ground just by putting slight pressure on his poll (that spot on the top of his head in between his ears) with my hand.. so kudos to me..and the horse.
my stepdad took some
this is in the beginning stages where i get to chase my horse around with a lasso. it's pretty fun, and a surprising workout..
after getting him to stop i run the lasso all over his body so he knows not to be afraid of it..the for kicks i put it on his head and walked away from him. most horses would die if i did this to them.
then i put a bridle on him and rode him around the roundpen for a bit. he got a bath afterwards and lots of apple treats. good horse.