Jul 24, 2005 01:25
Do you want to know what bugs me? Kids who are my age, thinking that now is the time to find their soul-mate. Is that not the whole purpose of dating??? I know, people tell me "We date so that we can find the type of people we will like" But I think that God has the right person picked out for you. Now i am not saying that you have to marry the first person you date, but come on, can't you at least start dating at 16 if not later? GOSH!!! And another thing that bugs me..... Girls who think that live revolves around what they wear and how they look. I mean, yeah I care how I look, but it can't be my life!! God created each and every one of us beautiful, and I can't spend my whole life trying to make myself perfect!
Well, that is my rant for the night.. I'll try to make my next post a little less....bad, sad,?? WEll I'll try to make it happier k?
God Bless