Mar 31, 2005 15:01
like anyone really cares but I thought I'd give an update on my job because I forgot to on my last entry..everything is going really well...its a pretty simple job..stock the shelves, then zone (making things look neat and organized on the shelves)...pretty simple...I'm still learning where everything is in the store..that was my biggest worry with this job, not knowing where anything is...but I'm getting better...atleast knowing the general will probably take me a few months to start knowing any actual aisle numbers to find stuff in but thats ok. I work about 20-30 hours a week which is good, I don't really think I could handle 40 at the moment anyway because my feet and lower back would start crying...I'm really not used to being on my feet for so long at a first pay check (which will be this friday, yay! but it will only be like $50-60 because I only started working the last 2 days of that payroll period), im soooo getting a foat soaker bath thingie. I'm so happy I got a job, and I love Target...I keep seeing things I'm going to buy when we finally rent a house and have more room...and I get a 10% discount, crappy I know, but I look at it as "wow I don't have to pay the tax" haha.