(no subject)

Nov 01, 2005 12:03

I am stuck at work bored out of my mind pretending like I am actually working because there is nothing to do. Life has not been the greatest lately but I am still trying to hold my head high. Garrett is somewhat trying but he seems to take one step forward and two steps back all the time. I have my ultra sound on friday, I get to find out the gender. Garrett is supposed to go but I am not holding my breath, as long as my mom goes I am happy. Its been two months now since my dad died, I still think about it as much as when it first happened, it just doesnt make and sense. Two of his friends that went to the funeral have died since then. With all the bad stuff going on in the world and all the people dying it makes you wonder what is really going on. My family went to the cemetary last week and left a pumpkin for my dad, Its really hard to go there. I am having a hard time accepting what has happened and I want him back. It really hurts that he is not going to be there with me when i go into labor or to see his first grand child. Fate has a strange way of meesing with life, but I know everything happens for a reason even if that reason is sometimes unclear.
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