✧ NAME: Charlie Bundt
✧ SERIES: Original Character
✧ SPECIES: Finnish Spitz
Charlie Bundt was a very ordinary fellow with very little to worry about (other than very ordinary things). He grew up in a very ordinary town, was raised in a very ordinary household, graduated from a very ordinary school, attended a very ordinary university, and obtained a very ordinary job. While living his very ordinary life, he managed to befriend some very ordinary people who enjoyed similar hobbies and interests (such as very ordinary cooking, very ordinary book reading, and the occasional, very ordinary bar-hopping). There wasn't much in his life he could complain about, really. It was certainly better to have nothing happening than to have terrible things happening. Honestly, he was all right with this.
So, naturally, things changed. Not in a very ordinary way, either.
He came home one day to find his house broken into. After nervously walking in, he found his friends sitting in the living room, tending to some wounds. Charlie, being the bucket of manliness that he was, immediately began to panic, spew gibberish, and attempt to call for an ambulance. After having his cell phone wrestled out of his hands and his home phone unplugged from the wall (he was surprisingly persistent during an emergency), his friends sat him down and explained their situation. Very carefully and slowly.
They were demon hunters -- chosen to hunt down an onslaught of monsters because they had an uncanny ability to know when something involved supernatural or not. One of them could see the spiritual, one of them could hear them, and another could actually speak their language. They worked together to fight against the dangerous flock of creatures. Recently, the number of incidences were increasing and they were forced to fight back head-on. A plan had gone awry, which was how they were forced into taking shelter somewhere close by -- Charlie's.
Well, being the very ordinary chap that he was, Charlie didn't believe them at all.
Until a hellhound smashed through his window. Then he believed. And then he passed out.
When he came to, he and his gaggle of friends were in a van. His van. They were driving away, out of the neighborhood as fast as they could. He groggily sat up and peeked out the window, trying to look back at his dear home.
It was on fire. Lovely.
So began his demon hunting career. Unfortunately, as a demon hunter, Charlie was... well, he was a failure. He didn't have any abilities whatsoever, nor did he have experience with any supernatural beings at all. Furthermore, he was somewhat bumbling with a gun, absolutely wimpy with a bludgeon, and terrible at running without making a clamor. He wasn't completely useless, however. Charlie was exceptionally skilled at hiding without drawing attention; even the blind demons who depended on hearing or smell couldn't detect him. He was also incredibly talented at running straight into a demon. He didn't need to be able to see, hear, or speak with them. He could simply run right into the beasts. His friends took advantage of this unfortunate talent and often used him as bait.
But this couldn't go on for long. Soon it became too dangerous for him to run into anything. He was also reluctant to hide away so quickly because of his persistent desire to help his friends. Whatever few talents he could contribute were moot.
It made him feel terrible. He would rather be used as bait than be completely useless.
One night, he stumbled upon a holy emblem whilst 'guarding' a spirit. (Not so much guarding as it was staying out of their way as they hunted.) The spirit -- a helpful little trickster -- pitied him and his sorry state. It told him a secret. The holy emblem he found could be used to communicate directly to God. A direct prayer, one that could bypass all the channels regular prayers went through. (Apparently Heaven was just as bureaucratic as the rest of Earth. Go figure.) His prayer could be answered within minutes.
Charlie was skeptical, but desperate. He wanted so badly to help his friends. He didn't want to drag them down anymore.
He closed his eyes and prayed.
When he opened them again, he was a dog.
✧ TIME TAKEN: Approximately seven months after his divine transformation into a Finnish Spitz.
Charlie is both ordinary and unique. He's hardworking, sincere, and devoted to his pals. Even if he can't quite measure up to them, he does his best to pull his own weight. No matter what, Charlie is a guy who will stand by his buddies faithfully. Almost stupidly, actually.
He used to have a wall of positivism around him, believing that he wasn't too bad off and had nothing to complain about. Ever since he started hunting demons, that wall was chipped away. He became more insecure, felt inadequate, and began to question himself over and over again. A surprisingly cynical and slightly sarcastic side of him emerged, and that side has stayed with him ever since. He's never really cruel or particularly nasty, but he does have some serious downer moments.
Since becoming a dog, he has found his wall of positivity again. Only this time it's more sincere and less of a wall. Charlie is now a bit more chipper and eager to do work again. The biting sarcasm became more like sarcastic humor, which made a big difference in his relationships. He still has the occasional moments of low self-esteem, though. It's something he has to work through.
The dog instincts also influence his personality (much to his dismay). When he was human he was prone to panicking and babbling in ridiculous ways. That side of him still exists as a dog, but worse. He is a bit more of a spaz now, particularly when it comes to certain things he's enthusiastic about. He also can't help but show his emotions (wagging tail, etc.) and, as a result, is a poor liar. Since he can't speak, he's very prone to thinking loudly and without restraint; he's bothered a couple mindreaders with this before. Foot-in-mouth syndrome is common with this guy. However, the results of all this mean that he shows his emotions very plainly, avoids lying too much, and speaks genuinely to others.
Please keep in mind that, along with these abilities, Charlie still retains his human mind; each of these skills comes with the additional advantage of having full, human comprehension and understanding.
A dog's sense of smell can range from 1000 to 10,000 times better than the average human, depending on the amount of scent receptors in the nose. The Finnish Spitz was originally bred as a hunting dog, and can track game and other wildlife very accurately. Dogs can also smell territory markings and odors in detail, as well as emotions of others.
Dogs are dichromats, AKA red-green colorblind. They can't see things very clearly while standing still, but they're able to pinpoint moving objects more quickly and accurately than a human.
Super, super good. Dogs can hear sounds at a higher frequency and pinpoint the direction the sound is coming from fast than a human.
'Sixth Sense'
He can sense when something supernatural is nearby; it's almost like electricity in the air that makes his fur bristle (and makes him look like a fluffy idiot). When he senses this, he knows he should sniff around to see if his instinct is correct.
Basically, he can do anything a regular dog can do, including running around like an idiot when there's an earthquake, barking at things that aren't really there, and totally knowing what kind of pizza you had earlier. Most dogs in his world are like this, so he's really just a typical canine. Only with a human mind, that's all.
✧ MASK DESIGN: Red and it looks like a little Batman mask for doggies.
His dog bed. :3c