(no subject)

Jun 06, 2004 13:00

choose a band/or artist and answer ONLY in song titles by that band: Beck
1. are you female or male: little drum machine boy
2. describe yourself: dead man with no heart
3. how do some people feel about you: beautiful way
4. how do you feel about yourself: guess im doing fine
5. describe your ex girlfriend/boyfriend: the golden age
6. describe your current girlfriend/boyfriend/interest: lost cause
7. describe where you want to be: lets go moon some cars
8. describe what you want to be: nightmare hippy girl
9. describe how you live: waitin' for a train
10. describe how you love: peaches & cream
11. share a few words of wisdom: no money no honey

hahaha, thanks ryan

yea i havent posted in a while.......not much important has gone on.

i start 6 weeks of school tomarrow, not too excited.

The Shins tomarrow as well!!!!!!!!!!!!
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