then this is pretty ridiculously funny!
<3 the ending, haha!
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But first, if you've got no clue what this could be about--
the Harlem Shake was a dance created in NY in the early 80's.
It's also a youtube meme that started this month and skyrocketed super-fast!
It involves a setting --any setting, you'll find offices, swim teams, army drills, dorm rooms, radio studios, subways--
in which everyone is busy either working or lounging, not noticing one masked person dancing like a nut to
a song by Baauer. When ...well, I guess "when the beat drops", as stupid as I feel saying that, lol...
there is a sudden jump cut to everyone in the previous scene (sometimes many more people) all "dancing" wildly and chaotically.
It tends to be mostly white people.
The Worm and crazed-white-guy versions of the Bernie seem popular, but many people are just moving, lol.
There isn't a lot of attention paid to rhythmn.
Some will be wearing masks, in costume, or half undressed. Often one person is humping the air or an object,
and another may be tightly wrapped or in a sleeping bag.
Careful if you start surfing these, many are perfectly G rated but lots are mildly to moderately not safe for work.
And Gangnam style is....huh.
Now that I think about it, if you don't know what that is, you probably aren't on the internets reading this right now,
so that handles that, I guess.