My friend Stephen and I look each other up every other year or so, and get in touch, catch up on our lives, talk about ridiculous things.t
I've been thinking about him lately, wondering how he is. It's been probably close to two years since we last spoke.
So, I just searched his name on a whim,
expecting maybe a facebook, or a page on one of his many, many hobbies and areas of expertise.
(brilliant, funny, clever guy with so many interests)
my search found something I was really, really not expecting.
btw, if you've ever had Turkish coffee at our house, Stephen is the guy responsible for that.
Years before I even met George,
it was Stephen who told us about it and sent us our first bag, which had english, french arabic and hebrew text.
Drinking it was something he had picked up while helping to excavate the world's oldest-known shipwreck, the Uluburun.
(really!...there was a big article in National Geographic, and he was in some of the photos. How many people do you meet with a degree in Nautical Archeology? )
Andy, this was also the same person who used to exchange postcards and packages with us in the mail,
(well, one of the two, I still have my penpal Rich!)
But, you might remember being in my kitchen, and my opening an envelope, lifting out a pile of stuff with delight,
and then you and the two Matts all saying "Oh my GOD, don't move, don't move!"
Stephen knew, vaguely, that I didn't like sharks, so he had included a DVD foldout from Jaws in the package as a joke.
When I lifted up the pile of stuff, ridiculously scary movie stills were on the other side, ha!
We later explained to him that it was a phobia, and what would've happened if I had seen that,
and he was mortified, lol. "I thought you meant, the way some people don't like bugs or spiders! I'm so sorry!"