Oct 15, 2003 08:13
Today I am off to get my drivers license. First to Public Health to find out some more about my new job and then to Greenwood for the DL. I got two Birthday presents in the mail yesterday. One from my Mom (money) and one from Mike (Thanks for the Books the CD is questionable but the books are great). I really needed the cash from Mom. With the new professional job I need some new clothes. The rag and tag jeans and a T-shirt with steel toe boots from my former job don't exactly cut it and the rest of my clothes although nice are not quite professinal enough. Funny thing is I hate shopping for this kind of stuff. I don't like digging through racks and racks of clothes looking for the one pair of pants that may or may not fit me for a reasonable price. Thrift stores ususally do fine by me but they are so expensive here. So, I'm off it is cold and icky outside and I still need my coffee.