Jan 11, 2006 07:41
0KAyy humm im gANnA updAte n tel youU wAT hApiN todAyy ; cUz im kewll like thatt =] okayy went to skewl had a relee relee go0d dayy in skewl wel science was rele go0d ha the teacher was like the only smart one is brittany because sehs taking notes on the the ones s he dosnt n0ee n mr. sitek was like yea she can posibly be our next student of the mounthh ! ha lma0 yea okayy so hum n my science teacher says i have rele rele go0d grades in hurr clas super happy yea s0 humm gym was okay we played a game like u hade to nok the pin over [[7th vs 8th oH wat fun hA yea i got a l0t of kids out n like wen it was 7th vs 7th it was the first timee ever a hole class was stil up n a hole class was d0wn n i was on the clas that wass stil up who0tt ! me n NikkI were like runing up thier n like runin bak screaminG haha it was so funy okay yea life skils was okay i cant make a pocket for my life but wat ever okay yea n the rest of skewl was go0d i hade to baby sit right afterr skewl n oMg the skewl bus ridee home was the funyewst thing evr chelsea n mike were stripin ! hA it was to00 funnyy =] like emily was crin she was laughhing to0 hard n me n chelsea almot peed our pants haha okay so went to baby sit n i got pAiD =] superr hapy about that n now its like 7;30 ish n im talking to mandii n lauryn n chris n dilin uhh so cunfusin okay yea im outt like wh0aa x0O
G0O NJ CHEER !!! G0O chELSEAA __ L0ve YOUu CHElSEA goOD lucK
G0O LAuReN g0 ROckETs _ n g0 NJ cheer L0l l0ve youU b0lTHH
go0d luck iN comp ON sAteRDAyy *l0VE AlwAys x0O brit
______ bRiTTAny _________