Mar 23, 2005 00:20
01. Kill?: Juan..
02. Fuck?: I'm getting antsy!! :P*
03. Slap?: Heather..
04. Hear from?: Miguel.
05. Get really wasted with?: Jesse.. :]
06. Tickle?: Briana, Rochelle, and Max
07. Look like?: Christina Aguilera is hott~!@ :x
08. Be like?: I'm cool bein` myself.
12. Touched?: Umm, I shook some lady's hand today.
13. Talked to?: I'm talking to Jesse.
14. Hugged?: Jesse. :/
15. Instant messaged?: Jesse.
16. Kissed?: Damn.. It was such a good kiss too..
17. Had a crush on?: *sigh* It's so much more than that..
17b. Do you still have a crush on them?: :]
18. Who broke your heart?: Jesse is working on it.. But, Miguel.
19.Number of times I have been in love: "IN love".. once.
20.Number of times I have had my heart broken: twice.. by the same guy.
21.Number of hearts I have broken: ZERO.
22.Number of boys I have kissed in my life: Rofl.. I don't know.
23.Number of girls I have kissed: Oh gosh.. that causes me to be stalked.. LOL.
24.Number of continents I have visited: Hmm..
25.Number of drugs taken illegally: Five.
26.Number of people I would classify as true, could trust with my life type friends: Hmm.. 4. Including 3 of my family members.
27.Number of CD's that I own: Around 300.... More I think.
28.Number of piercings: Come search, and let me know. :]
29.Number of tattoos: See above.
30.Number of times my name has appeared in the newspaper: Like 3.
31.Number of scars on my body: Like.. 30.. Lol.
32.Number of people that has made me scared of what they could do to me physically: Just one.. my ex-boyfriend.
33.Number of things in my past that I regret: Falling so freaking hard for a person that I can not have. It kills me more each day I live.