Another week has gone by, and it was most certainly delightful like the week before. I invested in a couple of new purses, a great pair of boots, and a nice belt to top it off! I also got called for a job interview this afternoon for tommorow which was really good considering the fact I've been unemployed for I'm pretty sure a month now and I need to get out and do something productive with my life!!
Haha I'm really enjoying my time spent with the people I've been well... spending time with recently!! One thing I wish we could do once or a few times is have classy parties like the party scene in Breakfast at Tiffany's (minus the falling, crying, fire, and police). I've come to the conclusion a few months ago that taking shots from the bottle and chasing with anything is FAR FROM APPEALING. I mean, of course I still do it and continue to but wouldn't it be a nice thing to have a formal party sometime? I don't know, I'm just feeling optimistic
I could be modest and tell you that things are good.. but I'd much rather let you know that things are really good and that I'm happy.