Aug 27, 2005 15:47
My dorm room is always ice cold. Sometimes that's good but right now it's not. I have been sitting around all day trying to get this LJ thing to work. Now that it is so i'm bored. College has been a blast so far, I've meet some new people and got to know a few old friends better. I miss the people back home, especially one in particular ;). Tonight me and some people are going over to our friend Claire's house. We're going to watch Bottle Rocket, one of the best movies ever made. I wish I had enough money to drive home more often but, i'm barely going to have enough money for gas to get to class. Let's hope I can do well in school so I can get a job and make some cash money. I never have waited by a phone before, but i'm expecting a call and it seems like i'm never going to get it. God's pretty amazing, that's awesome because I am not. I feel pretty small right now because I haven't had quality time with my savior since i've been here. It's kind of a drag. I just want to lay out in the middle of the wilderness and stare up at the sky and watch it change from blue to purple to black. That would be so amazing to see God's creation raw. Without any car's, lights, and noise. Well I have been better but i've been worse. Life's funny like that huh?!? Sorry that this journal entry is random. When the structure of school comes so will the structure of my LJ's. Right now it's just a time for the mind to wander. As soon as I can is turning into 2 hours. I used to have such patients where did it all go? Has anyone seen broken flowers? If so is it any good? I would expect so because it's Bill Murray, but then again he was also in Space Jam. Well i'm going to take a shower or do something because if I don't my mind will rot and i'll just be a body.