I decided today would be a good time to clean. I took some medicine earlier since my headache from last night lingered over into today and nothing was helping it. The medicine I took made me feel almost spun out...so cleaning happened.
I found my photography assignments that I wanted to post to show everyone what exactly I was doing. It took me 10 years to finally get back to school. The trials and tribulations of life have kept me from doing it, but I am now starting my second year in two weeks and I could not be more excited. I adore my teacher and he has taught me so much that I thrive in each class. When I found out he worked with Ansel Adams in Yosemite I could not ask enough questions.
But last year for my final we had to do developing effects. I couldn't decided if I wanted to do a photo combination, a negative sandwich or a sabatier. I went with the sabatier and took a picture of it today with my digital camera. I do not have a scanner so that is why it may seem a little odd. I had a glare that I could not get rid of when I took it so I tried my best to make it look as the original print. The actual print is much richer in the blacks and turned out nicely. I was very happy and I received an A on it...and also in the class!! woohoo
I put a little description on how to actually make a sabatier, in case anyone wants to try it for themselves in the darkroom.
This picture was taken with a Pentax K1000 SLR
Normal lens
Ilford Pro Film
ISO 100
For the negative
Normal developing times and chemicals, see inside box of film for temp. and times
I used a 5+ filter
2 stops down on englarger
I then made a first exposure of 10 seconds
Put print into developer for 1 minute 30 seconds
I then took it out of the developer
Rinsed it off with water
and squeegeed. *make sure your squeegee is rinsed off from all chemicals because it will come out very odd otherwise*
I then went over to the enlarger and took out the negative from the negative carrier.
Put the print back under the englarger and set on top of the towel (you'll want to place a dark towel over the print carrier as it is wet and it helps with water getting everywhere)
I exposed the print again WITHOUT THE NEGATIVE
2nd exposure time was 10 seconds
Developer 1 minute 30 seconds
Stop Bath 30 seconds
Fixer 5 minutes
Hypo Clear 2 minutes
Wash 10 minutes.
And that's it :-)
It was fun to do...
I hope everyone is having a great weekend. I'm going to lay down now