six weeks? seriously?

Sep 17, 2010 12:14

So, NaNoWriMo is suddenly only about six weeks away, which rather caught me by surprise.

We'd hoped to hand over the mantle and responsibility of Municipal Liaison to someone else this year, because moose_biscuit and I have run the region for two years now, but no one seems willing, so it looks like we either do it again or let the region fall apart. We'll make a concerted effort during November to recruit replacements for 2011, because we sure as hell aren't going to do it for a fourth year.

So, with only six weeks to go, aside from the realisation that we're going to have to sort out all the weekly meets and stuff again (and the weekly quizes, which aren't un-time-consuming to create), I'm in the sticky situation of not actually knowing what I'm going to write this year.

I did have a fun idea for a thoroughly English murder mystery, slightly inspired by MB's mother, but I did murder mystery last year, so I want to step away from that this time.

One option that's been on the back burner for... gosh... apparently six long years would be based on the linked fics here and here. I have a loose premise, and interesting lead, and like the idea of being able to write lots of places and times, but I have no plot and am now concerned that anything I write would now be coloured by Supernatural, what with it being about fallen angels.

Option number 2 is a premise I came up with a couple of months ago and have brainstormed a little with apiphile. In a multiverse of parrallel Earths, some people have the ability to look through thin patches in the veil between the worlds; fewer have the ability to actually traverse these gaps in the veil. It's an oportunity to write a sort of urban fantasy where a regular 21stC girl finds that she has this gift and has to use it to... stop some evil or something. Regular quest type stuff, but with dimension hopping.

Option 3, which I came up with this week and may need talking out of, because it's appealing but rather silly, sees a disparate group of larpers discover that the whole game was just a ruse to find a suitable party of 'heroes' to go on a real quest. It would be a full on fantasy quest tale, but with a rather post-modern and silly twist. What would the big scary larper do if faced with an actual scary evil thing? Is Matt Pennington really a fantasy Charlie looking for his Angels?

So, three premises, zero actual plots. Fun times.


writing, nanowrimo

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