Jun 22, 2010 16:38
I'm working on the first edit of my noir NaNo novel, which largely consists of highlighting anything that I suspect might be anachronistic and researching whether it is, and if so finding a period-correct alternative.
Unfortunately, because the whole thing's first person, even my narrative has to be period correct - though I can have a little leeway by assuming that the story is being told a few years later.
At the moment I'm trying to think up a suitable alternative to the phrase 'mile-a-minute', because it apparently dates from the 50s. Fortunately I've discovered that the term 'cruiser' for a police car dates from around 1929, so it's perfectly fitting in 1932.
Yes, I'm being pedantic.
Other items I've researched so far include race-winning sports cars in the 20s/30s, couture dress designers, Hollywood starlets, period slang, CSI:1932 and 1920s police cars. And that's all just for the first six chapters.