Aug 13, 2007 13:15
# You can't stop the motion of the ocean...#
We saw Hairspray on saturday night, and I got hold of the soundtrack to listen to on sunday, so I now have several songs stuck in my head.
Loved the film! I adore musicals, and even though I didn't know Hairspray at all I already had a grin on my face and a tear in my eye by the middle of the first song - musicals just... make me happy.
John Travolta in drag is all kinds of scary, but he and Christopher Walken make a disturbingly cute couple.
Why did I not know that James Marsden could sing? The boy is really rather good, which resulted in me visualising 'X-Men: The Musical' - come on, wouldn't you love to see Cyclops and Wolverine having a sing off? Beast and Nightcrawler can also sing, of course, and Captain Chrome Dome can pull off a bit of Gilbert and Sullivan. And if they cast Michelle Pfeiffer as Emma Frost then the White Queen could sing too!
My mind, it scares me sometimes. But an X-Men musical would be awesome.
Also, I started fancying the lead boy in the film (Link), who seemed really familliar, so I IMDBed him and found out why. For one thing, I am not meant to be fancying 19 year olds - it is wrong wrong wrong - and for another, he was baby!Simon Tam. Bless. Watched the first few minutes of 'Safe' on sunday and confirmed that thet really was him in the flashback to the Tam estate. When he was only 14. And that boy can really sing, too - while looking rather adorable with Elvis hair and kiss curl.
I know it's not saying much, because I always cry, but I did shed a few tears during the film.
For those of you who like musicals, I highly recommend it.