Ooh, must post about the highly bizarre Potter dream I had on friday night.
I didn't even read Deathly Hallows, and yet Potter seems to have infected my brain, thought, rather bizarrely, I don't recall the boy wizard himself making an appearance in the dream.
I actually dreamed the next film (I was watching it at the cinema with
moose_biscuit). The film was only actually about half an hour long, which I actually commented on to MB (in the cinema, as the credits rolled).
How many times did I actually say 'actually' in that paragraph?
Stranger than the extreme shortness of the film was that a couple of the adult roles had been recast so that the film featured Christopher Lambert and Adrian Paul (it only actually occurred to me after I woke up that they'd cast both Hightlanders). Christopher Lambert's character was apparently French, and shared a brief conversation with a character who may have been played by Chloe Sevigny, all in un-subtitled French. The simpler stuff was fine and I understood without subtitles, but towards the end of the conversation I have no idea what was said.
And I haven't even got to the strangest part yet. No, the strangest part was the bit where Ron was apparently playing hide and seek in the Hogwarts grounds, trying not to be found by a giant ogre-y creature. He went into a building which housed a massive map of Europe, complete with slightly raised hills, and proceeded to try to disguise himself as various landmarks. By making copies of himself (very Multiple Man). And by being naked.
The ogre eventually found several naked Rons forming an approximation of the Rialto Bridge in the giant floor map's version of Venice. Which is rather weird.
Then I think Hermione was told something portentous and shocking by someone just before the end credits rolled.
Unless Rowling was on crack when she wrote the book, I doubt that the next film will look much like the film in my dream.
Why did I dream about nekkid Ron Weasley? Nobody wants to see that...