Gacked from artela

Dec 04, 2006 17:13

Take the first entry of each month in 2006 that isn't a Quiz, Meme or Happy Birthday/Anniversary/Special Day type post. Take the beginning of each of those entries to form a quick summary of the year.

4th Jan - The subject line is filmically inaccurate, but it is the order of the news which I've received over the last few days.

14th Feb - I'm using the calm icon, not the angry one, despite the grrrness

20th April - As of today it's exactly two months since my last post. Gosh, two months - how did that happen? At the time I was neck deep in work and didn't have any time for such frivolities as a social life or, you know, sleep. I think I may have even made a couple of ranty posts which were in part due to said lack of sleep.

2nd May - Forgive me father, for I have sinned.

I have just committed the sin of lust. Not the boring old carnal lust - hell, I felt that a few times just glancing at some of the lovely photos on my friends list this morning - they will insist on posting photos of atractive actors. No, that kind of lust is fine and harmless; this lust is a truly dangerous and, more importantly, expensive one, for this is geek lust: the lust for an item of hardware or software that I simply can't afford.

1st June - I have made shiny things. Go me.

Well, made one shiny thing and repaired another.

I blame thestage for talking about jewellery making and making me want to do it again.

1st July - Let's hear a big 'yay' for stupid typos in printed media with a large circulation. Some bright spark over at Marvel has invented a new word. Civil War: Frontline #2 refers to a location in the 'continuguous United States'. Not only have they added a new syllable to 'contiguous' - possibly going for a word half way between continuous and contiguous, much as ginormous combines gigantic and enormous - but in doing so they've created a word which is damnably difficult to pronounce. Seriously, not an easy word to say. And, you know, completely wrong.

8th Aug - Picture the scene:

Chad has a brand new toy, in the form of a paper carrier bag large enough to hide inside - Chad tends to shun bought toys but gets endless enjoyment from cheap or free toys like paper bags and lengths of string.

5th Sept - Gah, bloody woman!

6th Oct - Someone needs to warn the Doctor not to run if there's been rain, for Converse do not do well on slick surfaces.

I learned this lesson the painful way, so that he wouldn't have to.

2nd Nov - Lord help me, but my NaNo bunny should not be allowed to watch Torchwood. This morning, out of the blue, it suddenly started bouncing up and down and telling me I needed to write a gunpr0n scene between my two leads. I'm almost tempted to sucumb to the bunny's demands, too - it's word count, after all, and it can easily be a lift out chapter which gets erased from the final draft when I decide that it has no place in my novel.

4th Dec - I know I've been a bit absent of late, but NaNoWriMo sort of swallowed November whole. The good news is that I won, managing just over 51,000 words in thirty days. I hit the 50k mark by about 5pm, but wrote another k before midnight so that I'd be above last year's total, which was about 50.1k, comfortably beaten by this year's 51.2k. This of course means that next year I'll have to write at least 52k.


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