I just demonstrated great self-control.
There was a comment on
lordoftherings stating how no one should write Tolkien fanfic. The commenter displayed an impressive lack of proper grammar and punctuation. And missplelled Tolkien. Once I am willing to regard as a typo -G-d knows I make them. However, type 'Tolkein' every time and you lose the right to comment on how other Tolkienites show their appreciation for the work.
The urge to respond with something along the lines of "Tolkien fanfiction is perfectly acceptable when written by those who have a firm grasp of grammar and punctuation. And can spell the author's name. Thank you for not writing any fanfiction." is almost too much to take.
On the plus side, the commenter says that he/she/it's perfectly happy with HP fanfiction. That's one less bad Tolkien ficcer in the world, and one more HP Suethor. Result.