Jun 27, 2006 16:18
I have to keep a log of all the calls I take at work, including the time, their name, who they wanted and any notes, and a useful little box which I either tick or cross to show whether the caller was actually put through or not. This is apparantly too advanced a concept for the idiot woman who covers the phone for the hour a day that I get to escape.
An exchange today went something like this:
Phone: *rings*
Me: *picks up phone and gives phone voice spiel*
Caller: I'd like to talk to Partner A, please. My name is Blah blah...
Me: *sees that they also called while I was at lunch, and were apparently put through* *Puts call on hold and contacts Partner A* Hi, blah blah for you.
Partner A: Who? Never heard of them.
Me: You spoke to them only half an hour ago.
Partner A: No I didn't.
Me: *looks like an idiot* Oh, that's... odd.
Partner A: Well, put them through anyway.
Me: *transfers call* Idiot (name changed for simplicity's sake), you've marked a call as being connected when it wasn't.
Idiot: What?
Me: You put a tick for this call when it didn't actually transfer to the person.
Idiot: Yes, I always tick them, whether they went or not.
Me: *incredulous* Why?
Idiot: To show I've taken the call.
Me: *blinks*
Because - apparently - we might have thought that no one picked up the phone if she hadn't ticked the little box to say that she had. Except for, you know, the call being logged. You'd think that her logging the call would be enough proof that she took it, without the tick.
And yes, this is the same bright lady who I've complained about several times here, for such wonderous stupidity as asking why her screen was blank. The answer? Her computer wasn't on.
I suppose I should have expected this. The reason I first started here was covering her because she'd tripped on a paving slab and broken her ankle. I know, I know, tripping on paving is easily done and needn't be mocked, but knowing her it was probably a bright pink slab with neon flashing signs saying 'warning, tripping hazard'.
The idiot has since tried to argue her side by stating a) "That's the way I've done it since you've been here" - proving that you've been an idiot for a long time does not make you any less of one; and b) "Well, that's the way you do it" when I explained to her about ticks and crosses. She said this in an accusatory tone, as if her method was more logical than mine. Her logic is clearly not like our earth logic.
I dispair of this woman, I really do.
On the up side, home in twenty minutes.