'Tis a momentous day, boys girls! I have actually had a piece of fiction accepted by
HASA. If you scroll down my lj you'll see the piece in question, because it's the poem I've been using as my free text for a while now.
It only just passed review - 5 for and 4 against, which is the same as the other poem they accepted a year or so back.
One of the reviews amused me greatly, though. Don't you just love it when a moron tells you lack skill in writing? The main thrust of the comment was about how the rhythm was uncomfortable and the words stumbling. Oh look, there's a point soaring over the reviewers head. Yes, it's the thoughts of a man who's just watched a man he loved as a brother die in his arms. He is a broken man. It's meant to be somewhat uncomfortable and stumbling. Kind of the point.
However, the part of their review which really made me fearful was this:
"One tiny little thing ... the summary is your first contact with your reader so be ever so careful to spell correctly."
The summary reads as follows:
"Aragorn's lament for the fall of Boromir, and perhaps a funereal blessing."
Can you see a spelling mistake? because I sure can't. What I can see is a reviewer with the vocabulary of a turnip. That was not a spelling mistake, you twerp. Nor was it a typo. No, I did not mean 'funeral'. I meant 'funereal', as in of or relating to a funeral. Thank you for your advice, though. Moron.
Wow, if I get that uppity when piece gets accepted can you imagine how I'll react when the others are declined? Actually, only two of the six currently awaiting reviews are drabbles/drabble series, while the others are poetry and one longish short story, so I might actually get lucky.
A couple of the reviewers left long really nice reviews for me, loving the poem, so that made up some for the moron who accused me of misspelling my summary. Again, I shall call him/her/it a moron.
That is all, other than to say GIP! I made the frames for this icon a month or so back but couldn't get it nicely under 40k, but suddenly last night it worked, so here it is. The quote is from Silmarillion, and made me sit up and declare my love for Tolkien the first time I read it. Tolkien did a Joss. Or a JMS, who, to be fair, was doing a Joss long before Joss ever did. The story the quote shows up in is set more than 6000 years before LotR, but the quote, spoken by Huor to Turgon, prophesies Aragorn.
I made another icon from scratch last night, too. I'm working on a new layout and have decided to make it all based around poetry, so I made a Boromir icon with lines from one of my favourite poems, Futility by Wilfred Owen. I was going to base the whole layout on the poem, but decided it was a bit to depressing, so at the moment I'm working on a header using a slightly less depressing Poe poem - only slightly less depressing, mind. I seem to favour dark and depressing poetry.
I also added to my user pictures a Bilbo icon I made last year for an icon challenge community, but I might not use it for long, because it isn't all that good.
There are several humorous icon bunnies bouncing around in my head - one a LotR/Team America spoof and the other KoH/PotC - but they require screen caps which I can't get hold of. I think
trinalin offered to cap RotK for me, so I need to check which frames I want, if you're still willing, Trina?