Jul 04, 2010 00:01
- 01:05 FUCK!!! RT @KRSStaff Xiu Xiu and Deerhoof will be performing Joy Division's Unknown Pleasures on July 11th @ NYC: tinyurl.com/39gk58f #
- 01:06 On a total downer about my friends, my blog, everything. Might be MIA for a few days. xx #
- 10:17 You are tempted to begin a new project, but it's more construc... More for Pisces twittascope.com/?sign=12 #
- 21:10 #ESP 2EVA!!!? #
- 21:12 My twitter star sign was bang on today, scary! Thanks @sineadmarie and @definatalie, I love youse xxx #
- 21:34 The Evans... Thing - pluseyes: There’s something to be said about thin people who are fat advocates lending... tumblr.com/xg5codr8p #
- 21:37 @ Fat_Nurse Oh no! Well I'm trying to swap my festival ticket to come along and @merylt wants to come too! #
- 21:39 I have a tumblr: laurendarling.tumblr.com/ which is for all the little bits and bobs. I dunno wtf I'm doing on it, <--technophobe #
- 21:40 pluseyes asked: Lauren! You are here! You must help with my zine! Haha. tumblr.com/xg5coe3wl #
- 21:43 Photo: Ella Smith is a fucking siren. tumblr.com/xg5coeaof #
- 22:19 My uncle... - …in his 60’s and morbidly obese, got his diabetes, cholesterol and blood pressure test results... tumblr.com/xg5cogag9 #
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