
Sep 17, 2005 12:54

OMG I broke up with my bf thursday ok it was all good but the thing is that when we were getting on the band bus my friend Megan said she would do my hair well lets just say she was like I'll do it but I'm not going to sit with you, i have already told andrew (my ex bf) that i would sit with him. I was like you know we broke up right she was like yeah i was like ok what ever. She took my phone at one point and took a pic of her a him to gether and they were all flirty all the time. i don't know why im freaking out over this but i just tought one of my best friends wouldn't be a bitch and go a flirt with the guy i was goin out with the day after we broke up. when we got the the football game she still had not done my hair and of course i was already really pissed at her she was like let me put my case in yours i was like i don't have enough room she was like are you mad at me what did i do. she then said she would do my hair in the stands so that made me feel a little bit better and then she let me play the fight song on pic. so i was happy well sorta i was doin fine though out the first half of the game but then after we went over to the other side to get drinks  i had to walk though all this smoke and the thing is that i am really asthmatic and i had had a bad week with my asthma all week so that wasn't good. i had a major attck and had to sit out the rest of the game with breathing problems the whole time. that really sucked. the thing that made me happy was that they played hey baby for me and my section leader maria sand twice as loud for me. i had to go the bathroom before we could leave but i am really closerfobic so i couldn't go into the porta potties so i had to walk all the way up to the other side going though all the smoke i made it there and back but mr. mac thought it would be funny to pretend like they were driving away while abby and i were out side looking at them. after we walked onto the bus they all cheered for me which is not really my cut of tea. so what ever. while i was having my asthma attack earlyer megan asked if she sould call my mom and i was like no she wouldn't care but what ever and i was right when a was later in getting out because i had to take my time because of my breath all she could do was yell at me because i gave lyle a hug because his gf just broke up with him and turst me he is really hot. when i told her what happened she was like sure what ever. i was like thanks for caring. OMG there is a this really hot junior and his name is david omg he was talking to me the other day and i was all like omg u are so hot and then one of his friends told him i liked him and he was like kewl. ok i think i can only think of one more thing to write about and that is what happened yesterday besides the andrew and megan thing. I was joking around with specal k another hottie, yep well i was sitting on his lap and he was bouncing me up and down just joking around of couse and he was ticklying me and everything and then one of the other guys trent got up and was like why don't you just ask her out already and he was like no never we are just friends nothing more and nothing less i was hurt because he would never like me but o well. but any way this got around really fast and we were standing in the lunch line togther and i put my plate on his tray so i didn't have to hold it and he started eating my food and then brenden came up and was like are you two goin out we where like no even though in my head i was like i wish. so then he shuved my food into me and told me that it looks like we are goin out. when we were in the asembly he passed me a note saying that he was mad at me because i reunied his day because the girl he asked out told him no because she thought that he liked me and he was like we are just buddies and when i tried to tell him i was sorry he was like what ever you stupid slut anersxic whore i was like what ever. who cares what ever. well yeah thats how my day was sucks doesn't it.

luv ya muchos,

the happiness fairy
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