Jul 21, 2002 22:34
Well I haven't updated in a few days. Just don't seem to have had the energy. And I get chatting to Xandie, Pwan and Muffy and time just flies.
Had a good weekend. Went to Sexpo on Saturday. There's an interesting event. Got pulled up on stage with Cute Bi Guy for a cock-sucking competition. He had to hold a rubber cock like it was real, and I had to suck an edible cock-ring off it. He whinged that I used teeth. Well I'm sorry, but I was on a stage! Trying not to laugh! CHOKING on the damned cock-ring, which broke and was being forced down my throat! AND the sodding thing was RUBBER so I wasn't really focussed in how IT felt!
OK, rant over.
Besides that, Sexpo was fun. There was a really cute male stripper, and a female stripper groped me, So I had fun :-)
Afterwards, Cute Bi Guy and I went for drinks to celebrate our own private *new year*. It has been one year since:
We started doing stuff together after having lost contact
We last went to Sexpo
He told me he was bi
He got his eyebrow pierced
What a year! I made a semi-serious toast saying that in the past year we have confided in each other and conspired against others, we have licked, bitten, scratched and kissed each other, we have in fact disproven the theory that you can't kiss a friend without it getting weird, and we have survived intact. My next year be just as interesting. :-)
I don't know what I'd do without him really.
Today we went to a friends 22nd birthday lunch. I felt ill, so ate nothing. Found out later that Dragged From The Closet Guy was calling me a whore. Stupid sodding git! Was happy though. Cute Bi Guy got sick of his whinging so got into the other car. He told me later that the people in that car were sick of DFTC Guy and thought that I had handled myself well considering what I've been put through. *blush* They tease me so much it's nice to know they do think well of me.
I'm feeling better now, although still a bit woozy. And Pwan is here to talk to! So all is good. She and I are going to start writing to each other. That brings my penpal total up to three, with two on foreign countries. I wonder who else I can add to my collection...