Woeful times

Apr 13, 2014 22:35

My main computer is dying a slow and horrible death. Yes, I am making it linger... it has to transfer all my files to the side external hard before the processor fails completely. I would also love to rescue my bookmarks as well. So many years have gone into those. All my story files are moved, all my pictures are moved, all the rest of my important documents are moved. It is slowly, laboriously (as in only 300-500kilobites/second) moving my music file. That file is between 30-40GB large. Yes, I love my music. It has been moving this file all day - since about 10 am this morning and was only half way done at 9:30 pm. It took over 24hrs to move the smaller picture file. I hope the processor will survive until I get the bookmarks.

Yes, I know, I've had this computer for years, and just last year about this time the power unit died and the repair people said that it should just be replaced. When I got it new it was the top of the line Intel Pentium Windows XP machine. Vista hadn't even been mentioned, much less coming out. I have of course upgraded it to Windows 7  (Not Vista), have replaced both disc drives and I think that is it. The poor thing is due to pass away. *sighs*

I am blaming the recent storms for its demise and will conveniently forget all the issues it had given me already.*nods* The storm cooked the surge protector, so surely it could have done the same to the cpu. ^-^

I am currently on a borrowed laptop with a keyboard that is different than the one that I am used to and my typing sucks on it. The new baby should be in sometime this week (ordered it so that I could keep WIndows 7).

Here is hoping that I can make it through. I want to write, but this laptop doesn't have working USB ports, so I can't pull in my files. *pouts* I would even put up with the annoying keyboard. I use a wave/ergonomic keyboard typically. The keys on this thing are just in the wrong place.

Done whining.

computer issues

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