Apr 25, 2009 12:39

You know what are awesome?  Dirigibles!  Dirigibles are awesome!

::flails like a flaily thing::

I want to hear more about dirigibles!

I can totally explain this...  See, I was working on being sort of studious while I'm sitting here at work twiddling my thumbs, so I went to look up stuff on Historic Preservation (the final that I have left) online.  I went to the National Trust for Historic Preservation website, and then their list of endangered historic properties. I 'oooo, aaaaah'-ed over Boyd Theater because, hey, that's gorgeous.  Then there was, the 'hmm, what's this?' moment when I was hovering my mouse over the 'Hangar One, Moffett Field' link because aviation = cool.  Then I clicked on the link.  That thing's fucking huge, and looks really cool.

Wikipedia was calling me by that point, so I went here, here and here and duuuuuuuuuude.  Just listen to read this description:
"The airship hangar's interior is so large that fog sometimes forms near the ceiling. A person unaccustomed to its vastness is susceptible to optical disorientation. Looking across its deck, planes and tractors look like toys. Along its length maintenance shops, inspection laboratories and offices help keep the hangar busy. Looking up, a network of catwalks for access to all parts of the structure can be seen. Two elevators meet near the top, allowing maintenance personnel to get to the top quickly and easily."

I want a story!  Or a lot of them!

I've been sorta interested in steampunk for a month or two, but don't know a whole lot about it, nor have I found any stories to immerse myself in (haven't looked terribly hard either), so I'm not quite sure if this would be up that alley.  Or converting the kind of expansive awe of the hanger into pure scifi with a space-age shipyard.  Or, I donno, but....  SO COOL!

DIRIGIBLES!  So, so cool.

...anybody have any steampunk recs?  Or AUs of stuff that I'm familiar with?  I think that that would be the most desirable.

But I just wanted to let everyone know that dirigibles are awesome.

omg i'm special

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