Y'ok, that was fun, I really need a break.

Oct 17, 2008 10:15

Sooooooooooo, (geez, how many posts to I start like that?  Am I really that unoriginal?  Don't answer that.)

Appleheaded Siameeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese cat, (that's a bit more random) last night was... fun.

I don't really have a fall break in the way I was expecting or hoping.  Fall break for us starts today after classes and ends Tuesday, so our classes start of Wednesday.  We (Mother and myself) were going to visit friends in TN and have been planning to do so since before school started.  Unfortunately, when Mom went to be all organized and stuff, she had be request the wrong dates off.  To be fair, they were totally the right dates for Fall Break... for last year.  Which means that I had Thursday off and have today and tomorrow off from work and start work on Sunday evening and then work Monday and Tuesday.  Because we made sure to request this time off so far in advance, and my boss arranged the schedule around it, there's no way I was going to be a complete bitch and ask her to work it out so that I could have actual Fall Break off, especially since another of the employees goes to the same college.

So, day off but I forgot that I had it off at first so I told the ASC people that I couldn't come in for the internship then, and ended up sleeping for about 2.5 hours.  I am so glad that I did.  Katie's car crapped out when she was at work, so she ended up having to have her dad come and get her and have the car towed, etc.  We had planned on going to see Burn After Reading and by the time she got home and we decided that we really did want to see it we were 20 minutes late.  Apparently the first 20 minutes are the funniest part of the movie.  There were some times that I laughed, but overall, I have to agree with most of the people that I've talked to who've seen it: generally a waste of time.  So, we drive home, catch the last hour or so of the Leslie Howard version of The Scarlet Pimpernel (I didn't even know there was such a version, and now I want to see it all. Yaaay!) and then started Superman Returns because I've been kind of vaguely wanting to see it for three years.  About half an hour in, ldyguinevere  comes upstairs to tell Katie and me that one of us is needed at work.  Katie also managed to do something to her ankle a day ago, so I told her to stay the hell home and I'd go help.

Which went so well.  See, what'd happened is that Miracle at St. Anna had been dropped.  That sucker is two hours and 41 minutes long.  That's a lot of film.  It becomes even more film when it is off the platter and tangled and then is cut (and labeled, granted) into 17 or so parts.  ...which then have to be untangled, unwound and reattached to the full film so that the whole damn thing can then be broken down.  Not a whole lot I could do to help with that, so the two employees there had me start breaking down one of the other films that had to go.  I got onto the third reel when the ring flew off the platter.

Quick and dirty what's what:

Reeeeeeally pretty, probably 20 years newer version of what we have (not to mention a hell of a lot tidier and not cluttered).
The three big flat things that look like plates are the platters.  If you look on the bottom platter, there's a short film on there, and on the inside of that film there's that blue/aqua thing which is the ring.  There are two little pegs on each ring that fit into holes in the platter to keep it seated.

When you're breaking down a film, you have the outside tail of the film hooked up to another little machine that basically pulls the film off the main part to wind it onto individual reels, which makes the platter the film is on turn.  It start turning pretty fast.

Problems can occur when the ring is a little warped and doesn't sit quite properly on the platter.  Problems like the the ring pegs working their way out of the holes on the platter to catepult it and the entire film off the platter and into the front wall where the film can wind around itself instantaneously and impressively while the ring itself ricochets off the front wall, practically flattening itself in the process, to hit me in the arm.   I didn't actually get that I'd gotten hit for a few minutes because I wasn't gushing blood or anything, and even now there's just a scratch, though I do expect some bruising.  I'll be pretty disappointed if there's not, because that fucker left my arm pretty sore.  It's right in the bend of my left elbow too.  ::whine::

Anyhoo, the second film exploding into tangles kind of suuuuuucked, but they finally were able to get hold of the theater manager and she and two friends came in to help too.  The boys left about 1:30 or 2:00, and between the 4 actual employees, we managed to have everything broken down by 3:30.  Poor Raven though.  He'd clocked in at 6:00, has classes this morning and  he opens the Dixie at 1:30 today.  I filled out the little incident report thingy, but I'm fine and blah blah.

I didn't actually go to either of my classes today, because I'm a whimpy person and the whole I'm tired as shit and sore and have been feeling pretty crap for a few days plus working to not have a major freakout on general principle made me really not want to.

But I've got a meetings at the ASC at 2:00 and 3:30.  I might've just as well told them they could've scheduled them sooner, but I forgot that everybody'd be going poof just as soon as they were out of classes.

Mom's going to visit friends this weekend, and I think that ldyguinevere  is heading home for break, so I guess it'll just be Katie, me, my migraine and her gimpy foot for the weekend.  Anybody wanna come visit?  I'm going to go feed the cat before he starts trying to eat my toes again.  Which I also bruised the fuck out of yesterday in a completely unrelated I'm-so-graceful incident yesterday.  So awesome.

YAY!  I'm not being abandoned for today's lunch!  childminerva  just texted me about lunch at 1 with her awesome roommate at the dining hall.  ^_^  I think I'm going to go sleep until then.  Owie.

friends, ow, school, work, downswing

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