Well, I still want to make that other idea that I mentioned ages ago work, but not hearing back from the most important party at all has kind of put a krimp in that plan. ~_~ Dammit.
My roommate, Kristy, and I have another project in the works though. But again, attack of the STUPID PEOPLE WHO DON'T GET BACK TO YOU! And this time, they actually had said that they would get back to us. Yesterday. w.w
I'm sick of this. I didn't want to talk about the idea until we knew it would work, but now that people are being annoying, I don't want to wait because it's too cool.
One of my friends' dad (who I also consider a friend) is shipping out overseas, again. A while ago, he asked if anyone wanted to 'adopt' one of his team members, and I, being the clueless one, asked what that meant. He told me that it meant sending mail and care packages and so forth to let them know that someone back home knows and cares about them. Hell, sounds good to me.
Sounded good to Kristy too, so she went onto one of the websites that facilitates 'adopting' a soldier and requested one. Just a few days later they got back to her with a name and address, so we went shopping. (We only have the online suggestion lists as guides, so the first packages might be a bit off base, but hopefully our learning curve will be good.)
Project! Right. Well, Kristy is a concert pianist and a brilliant accompanist and she had an idea. She got in touch with someone from the website and we're trying to confirm with the venue, but we're working on having a benefit concert for
this program. We're working towards November in one of the local churches. We haven't heard back from the church though, and if they say no we'll have to hunt for another venue. Right now, the only confirmed performer is her, but possibly a vocal group, depending on their other commitments and what date the venue gives us because they already have a performance in November. Blegh. Keep your fingers crossed.
Once we hear back from the church, I can either look for a different venue, or start getting in touch with other people and groups about participating. >.> ::waiting for phone to ring::
Anyway, THAT is the current project. Although, damn. I really need to get my paperwork done for my internship. School starting has just snuck up on me completely. Aaaaaaand I need to tell The Dixie that I have an internship that might conflict with work schedule, which I hope won't give headaches to my boss. I like my boss. No headaches.
Hm... right now the package is pretty well ready to send, but I'm trying to figure out if there's room for cookies or something. O.o It's kind of ... efficiently packed? With very little room left. Ah well. There's always next time round.
Anybody have suggestions?
((RAAAAAANDOM p.s. Crush is a no-go. Oh well.))