VM fic: The Fine Line Between Love and Hate (Weevil/Veronica/Logan) R

Jul 20, 2006 14:48

Title: The Fine Line Between Love and Hate
Author: shealynn88
Word Count: ~4000 words
Original Fic: The Fine Line Between Friends and Enemies
What If: What if Logan and Weevil decide that the perfect thing to keep them both awake is porn, no matter how much Veronica objects?
Characters/Pairings: Weevil/Veronica/Logan
Rating: R (language, some ( Read more... )

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Comments 25

havemy_heart July 20 2006, 19:59:18 UTC
I want more!! Threesome fics (especially with my OT3) are a huge guilty pleasure of mine. I don't think Logan would ever share Veronica, but I put that thought out of my head, because Logan *and* Weevil? Veronica is a lucky, lucky girl ;-)


shealynn88 July 20 2006, 21:39:57 UTC
Yes, that is definitely where the crack comes in...because I'm not sure either one of them would be inclined to share. But, hell, I figured I'd give it a whirl anyhow. Glad you liked it.


leobrat July 20 2006, 20:23:08 UTC
Ahhh...Would I read canon LoVe for anyone else?

The answer is no, I wouldn't, but I love your writing style, and also? You rock.

Veronica's desperation when she didn't know whether or not Weevil was alive or dead...Man, that is something I would just love to see. Because I honestly think that might be what it would take for Veronica to wake up and see what she's missing. Great job, sweetie. This is the Logan/Veronica I actually see on my screen.


shealynn88 July 20 2006, 21:41:52 UTC
LOL! Yeah, I figured the main squick in this one, for most of my readers, would be the LoVe. But I liked the idea that she couldn't choose, and that she recognizes Logan's faults and loves him anyhow.

Thanks for being kind--I didn't know quite how this one would be taken... :)


laiquendai July 20 2006, 20:26:29 UTC
always good to leave the reader drooling for more... because yeah - images of Logan/V/Weevil threesome - fantastic!!

I loved the vulnerability that both the boys shared it was touching and real.

Thanks for writing, and you know - I love you right?!! (and LYLT has a handy threesome catagory!!)


shealynn88 July 20 2006, 21:43:36 UTC
Why, thank you! I need to update my stuff at LYLT. Haven't forgotten, I promise!! :) Thanks for commenting, and enjoying. And yeah, the acutal logistics of whatever happens later are just beyond my brain at the moment. :) I like to leave that kinda stuff to the imagination.


3_07_love July 20 2006, 21:14:51 UTC
oh my lord... WTH... EEWWWW...

hmm... well written.. but hmm... eeww... umm... EEEWWWWWWWW...

But Weary well written...


shealynn88 July 20 2006, 21:49:54 UTC
Sorry. I was trying to avoid the 'ewws' with all the warnings and character/pairing notations I put up. Sorry if my attempts were unsuccessful.

I'm glad you felt it was well written.


nevcolleil July 20 2006, 22:51:36 UTC
I haven't read this yet, because I don't know the fandom and would be lost... But I'm tempted :D Hot premise.


shealynn88 July 21 2006, 00:51:10 UTC
Hehe...it's a good fandom. Reminds me a little of Buffy. :) Glad you like the premise...although the porn I take absolutely no credit for, as that was my challenge. :)

But...umm...how can you not want to throw him into bed with as many people as possible?? *points to icon*


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