VM fic: Expectations (Veronica, Weevil) PG-13

Apr 30, 2006 15:15

Title: Expectations
Author: Shealynn88
Word Count: ~750 words
Rating: PG-13 (language)
Characters: Veronica, Weevil, references to Veronica/Logan
Spoilers/Warnings: spoilers for "Look Who's Stalking Now."
Summary: Veronica could really use a friend right about now...
Disclaimer: They aren't mine.

She was so furious she could barely see straight.

Not furious at him. That would be like being angry at a baby for crying, or a dog for barking. She'd known what he was for a long, long time. She couldn't blame him for it, now.

It was her fault that she'd let herself forget. That she'd let him get to her again.

Her chest felt tight with something like heartbreak; but it had to be anger, because Logan didn't have his hooks in her like that. Not enough to make her feel broken. It wasn't betrayal she was feeling, she was just upset with herself-because she'd let her guard down; because she'd given him a crack in her armor to wriggle through...

And he, being Logan, had felt obligated to wriggle.

When she heard her name, for a second she thought it was him. Just for a second. And then she realized how foolish that was, to expect Logan Echolls to come after her, when everything he ever wanted just fell into his lap. In Kendall's case, Veronica imagined, probably literally.

Logan would never fight for anything…would never want anything enough to go after it.

And that hurt, too.


She turned slowly and saw Weevil striding toward her. She brushed away the tears quickly and flashed him a weak smile. "Weevil. What kind of trouble can I get you out of today?"

He caught up with her and looked her up and down, arching an eyebrow. "Looks like Alterna-Prom was a little hard on you, V. No offense, but you look like hell."

"And you look fresh as a daisy," she spit back. "What do you want?"

He laughed. "Do I have to want something? Maybe I was just gonna say 'hi.' I'm told people do that, you know."

"People? Yes. You? No."

He tipped his head and looked at her curiously. "You seem a little on edge, there. You all right?"

"Peachy keen," she assured a little too quickly, trying to walk past him.

He caught her arm and she spun back, ready to channel the hurt into anger.

There was nothing but concern on his face, and the tears started to build again. "I've got to go," she said quietly. His hand trailed down her arm as she pulled away, and she started walking again before he could see that she was starting to lose it.

"It's Echolls, isn't it?" he asked quietly.

She slowed, stopped. "I don't know what you're talking about." She didn't turn. Just waited.

"I'm not blind, V. Not too many people can fuck with you like that. Make you cry. Your dad's home and Duncan's out of the country, so am I right in assuming that Echolls made an ass of himself again?"

It made her smile, and she turned back. "I'm all right," she said. She still couldn't look him in the eye. She wasn't ready for the concern she knew she'd see there.

"You don't look all right," he said quietly, moving closer.

She shook her head, taking a deep breath. His kindness was making it hard to keep the banter up. "You know how it is. Just not my 'Best Week Ever.'"

She didn't realize another tear had fallen until he wiped it away, and the gentle touch unraveled her. She came crashing down with a strangled sob, thinking of Logan with those god-damned puppy-dog eyes, looking so fucking sincere…

"Fuck," she managed as Weevil pulled her close and let her break against his shoulder.

There was a moment where she just let herself go. Let herself hate him. Let herself love him. Let herself feel it, all of it, in all it's fucked up splendor. She let herself hurt and be broken, and it was okay, because Weevil was there to hold her together until she could be whole again.

It felt like an eternity as she sobbed messily against his shirt, but it did make her feel better.

And then she really needed to blow her nose.

"Sorry I didn't bring any tissues," Weevil said as she finally pulled away, wiping her nose with her sleeve. "I didn't know I'd be on comfort duty."

She smiled. "Duty, huh? Sorry to inconvenience you."

He shook his head. "Hardly. I owe you, V. A shoulder's the least I can do."

She wasn't sure what to say to that. And she really didn't want to start crying again.

Weevil jerked his head toward the street. "Come on, you wanna get some coffee?"

Finally, an idea she could get behind. "Coffee. Yes. Coffee would be good," she nodded.

He slung an arm around her shoulders and they walked together toward the Hut, falling easily into step.

It felt comfortably free of expectations.

vm fic, fanfic

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