VM fic: Star-Crossed Lovers: Alternate (Molly/Felix, Weevil) PG-13

Apr 06, 2006 13:23

Title: Star-Crossed Lovers: Alternate
Author: Shealynn88
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: ~400
Warnings: angst
Spoilers: mild for Donut Run and S2 premiere
Pairing: Molly/Felix, Weevil
Summary: An AU take on the ending of the Molly/Felix story, from Weevil's point of view
Author's Note: An AU follow up to Star-Crossed Lovers: Part I and Part II. Stands in for the Epilogue.

Weevil had to piece it all together after the fact, from the news reports and the garbled excuses of his gang.

Weevil, man, he sent us away! I didn't think that Echolls kid could lift a finger, you know? If we'd have thought for a second…we wouldn't have left, man, you gotta know that…

No one knew how Echolls could have gotten Felix over the side of the bridge, beat up as he was, but the facts were clear. Echolls had been found holding a bloody knife, and Felix Toombs had disappeared forever. The Toombs family had lost another son, another brother. No body to mourn over, just another wound of uncertainty that would never quite heal.

Weevil liked to pretend that Felix had just taken the opportunity to take off, to remake himself the way they'd dreamed of when they were kids. Go off and find a place where no one knew their names, where they could recreate themselves and live the lives they'd always wanted.

But he knew it was just a comfortable lie he told himself to keep from falling into an endless, devastating rage.

The rumors about Molly Fitzpatrick meant nothing to him at first. A missing mick was hardly worth thinking about when his best friend was dead. Murdered. Gone.

Then he got the postcard.

And he started to understand.

It was postmarked just over the border and the inscription was short, written in block letters.

I am the resurrection and the life. He who believes in me will live, even though he dies.

Weevil and Felix had attended Sunday School together for years. Years of scripture, pounded into their heads until they could recite it in their sleep. Felix had always liked that passage. Said it meant they had another chance, even if they fucked up this time around.

If anyone had ever needed another chance, it was Felix.

Weevil lit the card with his Zippo, starting in the corner with the postmark, and watched it turn slowly to ash in his grandmother's ceramic ashtray. It was only then, alone with the truth and the horror and relief, that he allowed the tears to fall.

"Vaya con Dios," he whispered, watching the last evidence of his best friend's life burn away.

vm fic, fanfic, molly/felix, felix/molly

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