Title: Nightmare
Author: Shealynn
Rating: PG-13/R (dark themes)
Disclaimer: They aren’t mine, but oh, how I wish they were…
Summary: Sam told himself it was just worry and fear that made the nightmares so strong, but this one was different. Dean's death in the dream hadn't been a reflection of something they'd just fought…this was something new.
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I’ve loved you since I was twelve.
this phrase is so familiar, i have no idea where i've heard it before, but that's definitely one doozy of a secret to have.
Sam found himself constantly stalked by the fear that he would breathe something incriminating in his sleep and wake to accusing stares.
that overpowering fear of waking up to accusing stares is killer. poor sam having to live with that while feeling indebted to not feel that way.
It’s not like we haven’t done it before.
oh man, mind in the gutter lol i'm so embarrassed i noticed it enough to take it out of context like that oops.
Dean grinned in triumph and leaned forward, whispering, “It’s cause I got so pretty, isn’t it?”
that seems so dean lol
But it would echo hollowly in his ears, because he knew, deep down, that he’d never loved Jess like he loved Dean.
that's so sad, even if he didn't love jess like he did dean, he still did love her, but it goes back to living in the comforting lie of a fiance in chapter 1 where he confirms he was lying to himself the whole time and he knew it which makes the guilt even worst.
Dean looked stunned for a moment, then covered it with terse words. “You’re a jackass." He turned toward the lot where the Impala was parked.
following dean's pov, that's totally true since sam just told him he was going to leave again only to not leave and it's like, "Dude, we didn't even have to go through that."
This could work. He could do this.
you can do it, be strong sammy ;__;
Neither of the people who really knew him could stand to stay by his side.
that's so sad, and even more so because i think most people would probably come to that same kind of conclusion.
Dean would never admit how much it had hurt, how being alone had brought back the nightmares of his mother’s death, nightmares he hadn’t had since he was twelve. Dean would never admit how he'd turn after a hunt to brag, forgetting that Sam was gone, that his father wasn't watching his back.
someone needs to make the loneliness go away ;____; the poor boys both have mean and terrible demons.
His mother came to the bedside, one side of her face torn and crushed, the way it was the last time he'd seen her, before John Winchester had covered her with a blanket. “Sammy,” she whispered gently, “hush, now. I told you, sweetheart, not a peep. Not a sound. Not now. Not ever.” Her bloody hands covered his mouth and nose, pressing down with an incredible strength. Her expression was full of love as she slowly smothered him, ignoring his weakening struggles.
this was so petrifying, it gives a whole new level to being smothered by a mother's love, but it was an awesome scene all the same.
Sam was slow to get back in the passenger seat. The door still gaped open, and the Impala was parked at an odd angle. The tire tracks behind it left a deep scar in the landscape. Sam swallowed hard. Dean had stopped in a hell of a hurry.
i want to think, "is it really unrequited?", but it just shows how worried and scared for sam that made dean slam the brakes when sam's face turned purple. for some reason, the word gaped will always remind me of the phrase gaping wound and i had to read this a few to see if i could decipher anything from it, i was probably just thinking too much into it.
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